
@Whitson Gordon: I was gonna add howtogeek, but that's only if I need the nitty-gritty. Plus, LH links to their posts pretty awesome.

Google and Lifehacker answers everything I have questions about.

@ChickenStickyRice: Yeah have you also activated the window snapping? I really like that feature in Windows 7 and I now use it all the time. Glad you like BTT and be sure to donate!

@TurboFool: I see what you mean, but if you had two brains that are identical at the atomic level, isn't the new brain still you? You have to agree the only thing that makes you you is how you're made atom by atom. If, in 4020, we have the ability to replicate anything atom by atom, would you transfer "you" into

@salt_bagel: Really, thanks so much for all this advice. My goal is to level out at 175 and get my bench up to 225... at that point I can be satisfied with my weight gain and start working on more cardio. Like most guys, I've neglected the lower body and only work on the upper, focusing mainly on the chest.

The guy who developed secondbar also has another amazingly awesome piece of software for magic mouse users out there - better touch tool! I use it about every 5 minutes or so... literally.

@DizzySpyral: spokesperson or not, I appreciate the comment. I don't know you, but I trust you more than any magazine or blog!

@Hvedhrungr: So lets say we're at some point in the future and you have a brain tumor. You have two options: 1) let the tumor die on its own or 2) use the latest technology to "back up" your brain to a functioning/healthy one and replace it entirely? It's scary to think about now, but it might be a possibility.

@shufflemoomin: Totally agree with you. We didn't have stem cell technology a decade ago, so replacing the immune system isn't a cheat - its something we can do finally.

@dokbeast7: That's good to know - I think I'm just gonna buy the book. Then again, if Gizmodo keeps up with the excerpts, I don't think I'll need to!

@Ron Hextall's Mustache: Wow, definitely haven't heard of this one. I love milk and drink about a gallon a week, but this would be pushing it for me. Whole milk has a lot of fat in it - would that really promote muscle mass?

@salt_bagel: This is great info - I hadn't heard about eating before lifting before, but it definitely makes sense. I work out between 4 and 6 days a week, usually around an hour at a time. I almost always have a protein shake after my workout, but never at any other point in the day - I'll start doing that.

I need this, but reversed. I'm trying to gain weight (5'11'' 160lbs)

@bayXSonic: Well it's a great tip! I just submitted a bug to Dropbox I've been meaning to submit for a while... this gave me that extra nudge.

@josefismael: This was one of the products I worked on when I worked for Motorola - I highly recommend it:

@r0n0c: I'm down in Chicago, and although we won't be buried, I'm also in the mood for cookies on a snowy day. I'd suggest my wife's recipe from her blog: []

Happy Friday everyone.

Twenty Dollar Bills? You mean One Dollar Bills?

@ghostcat: This is helpful - thanks! I forgot the Apple TV is limited to 720p. I guess I'll keep what I have in 1080p, but for the dvd's ill be backing up with Handbrake, I'll chose 720p. With hard drives as cheap as they are, space is never a limitation anymore...