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    He doesn't get it, does he?

    There are a lot of kids who go through some gender non-conforming behavior at this age. But that's quite different than transgender kids most of whom are consistent and persistent in their gender identity. Many parents who seem like they are promoting it are ones that had to be dragged into this by their kids. Just

    Well, I think she's clear because 3 trans women died this weekend.

    Alexis was much more gender fluid at the end of her life. She even referred to herself as "gender suspicious." She mostly presented publicly as female, so I'll go with she/her.

    Like I said earlier, it's usually the context, not the word itself. Most people don't use it unless they're being anti-gay. At least that's my experience.

    I get that's what the good doctor is suggesting, but they're trying to discredit GLAAD with irrelevant and false information. I'm also a little surprised that they don't know any any gay people who find the word offensive.

    I don't see the inconsistency. The only time I hear the word "homosexual" used anymore is by anti-gay people, so it's maybe not a slur, but the context isn't positive.

    So? That wasn't the question. How many gay people do you know?

    So did Laura Bush.

    She. Surgery is expensive and risky and people live full-time for at least a year if not more before they can even be approved for the surgery. And considering the other procedures and plastic surgeries she's had, I think that shows a high level of commitment.

    With what? Being Republican?

    Ooh, that gets me, too. Especially when they're throwing Ts under the bus. I get there are differences, but I think there's enough overlap that it makes sense, besides a numbers issue.

    Yes. Much worse. CEC pizza is just bland cardboard. RR actively offends the senses. It tries to be good, but it manages to do everything wrong, making for the most vile pizza I've ever eaten.

    Rocky Rococo is, hands down, the worst pizza I have ever eaten in my life. And I am not being hyperbolic. I would rather eat Sbarro's or even a Subway pizza before Rocky's.

    That's the smartest thing I've ever heard anyone say about anything ever.

    I will enjoy this movie so much if every time some says "Ghostbusters", it's followed with the Japanese voice-over guy saying "Ghostbusters."

    Even without Unicron, I'd have no trouble believing Orson Welles could eat a planet.

    I was torn from the thigh of Zeus!

    Lucas and his wife can take their museum and shove it up their Jar-Jar. The concept is a monstrosity. Maybe if they were willing to build something that didn't look hideous, maybe more Chicagoans would back it. And I guess these poor kids will be deprived of a Star Wars museum and will have to make do with just the