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    Thank you. It has so far.

    I have no idea what you mean. Talk about a non-sequitur.

    The first link you provided was from McHugh, which I've already pointed out as problematic at best.

    Dr. Paul McHugh's views on transgender people are fairly extreme. And wrong. Educate yourself.

    And the ICD is considering removing it as well from classification as a mental illness. The reason the DSM still lists GD as a disorder is actually to allow trans people to seek out insurance for treatment.

    I have a female friend, born female, who can't give birth. You want to tell her she's not a woman?

    DSM does not consider gender dysphoria a mental illness. And is anybody you don't agree with a pedophile?

    I appreciate the subtlety and nuance your argument holds. But this is the Internet and that shit isn't tolerated.

    Please don't use that Swedish study to say anything about trans people. It was terribly flawed. They lacked any real control groups and they lost touch with many of the subjects, so they drew conclusions based on who they could find.

    On AC/DC, even they agreed with you. I read a story where an interview said to Angus Young, "You've released the same album 13 times," to which yelled back, "That's a bloody lie! We've had 14 albums." Don't know if it's true, but it's awesome.

    Peter Cetera is a douche nozzle. A douche nozzle with a hell of a voice, but a docuhe nozzle nonetheless.

    YES! 30 kids get slaughtered at school. "Well, what are you going to do?"
    Trans person gets right to use the bathroom. "OMG! We have to protect the children from something that might happen!"

    They prefer to just dump everything in the Chicago River.

    Slow clap.

    Can I offer a third side to this argument? I'm trans and I personally would never carry a gun. I can't, it's just too against my moral code and I would like to live somewhere where guns are banned.

    No one is okay with that and if anybody is caught doing that in a bathroom, there would be repercussions. But you're arguing that it's okay to outlaw trans people in the bathroom because some people out there might take advantage of the situation. Maybe we need to clarify what "identify as" means, but all the

    Transparent came out months before Jenner came out and already had critical praise, although I'm sure it got a bump because of Jenner.

    With whom did share it? Sorry, but I mustache you that question. Kill me now.

    You're absolutely right. I didn't choose to be a woman. Science also suggests that gender dysphoria occurs pre-natally when hormones enter the fetus. Most of the time, it works just fine, other times, an imbalance is created. And here I am, pretending nothing.

    Caitlyn Jenner is the perfect example of how you can respect a person for the personal pain they've gone through and think of them as brave, but also think of them as a piece of human garbage. Before she came out, I had no use for her. Now, almost no use. But her coming out helped my dad understand me a little