
Really, you sound like you're on the right track. Hard work always seems to pay off in the end! Wish you luck man.

I'd like to point out that you shouldn't give up if this is something you want to look in to doing. You may not be able to release a full blown mod, but if you're interested in getting started with coding, a dinky laptop will suffice. Just have to put in the hours. If you truly have every hour of your day taken up by

I think that's all relative to the your position and company you work for. You're implying that EVERYONE and every aspect of working for a studio makes you miserable. At any rate, this is huge for a resume. People of the industry are like to know about this kid especially after the publicity.

I did essentially the same thing but with web design and Illustration. Best year of working my ass off ever.

I'd like some of these but it seems a bit difficult to order from the US...

Oh, boy. That all looks very uhhh, interesting...

What game is that under number 4? Sorry, on mobile makes it difficult to tag. Thanks!

Also. Time to fire up New Game+

Dammmmit. I was really hoping for Ish's story...

Well that's one cool feature I will never use.

Why are you out to hunt this guy down for using auto tuning? This is the second top comment from you about it. He's extremely talented and probably a trained singer. His ability is just that profound.

I didn't really know what it was either. The thing is, the game just doesn't change. It's not exciting by any means to me and there just isn't much to talk about it. Sure it's massively popular, but outside of articles like this, there's nothing to write about.

Thanks for saying all this for me. I am a PC/Nintendo/Sony guy myself these days. Ditched my 360 and haven't looked back. I also have been treated like absolute shit by M$oft so they can go to hell for all I care. I realize they have done plenty for tech but I'll support them the least amount as possible.

Do you think we would have heard something about a NA release? Ridiculous! Also, the box design is pretty disappointing.

Not buying it. It also isn't laziness. Releasing it to phones wouldn't compromise the integrity of the game or Square. They're a business and they know that releasing it for smartphones would bring a colossal amount of money in so I can't even imagine why they don't want to do it. As other have mentioned about memory

These are only missing one thing; googly eyes.

I agree. That Wooly Mammoth is a real close second though. The hay construction makes it look so natural.


God damn the Internet is fast.

Weird. I never want to watch it again!