Five children left behind. Fuck, man. FUCK. All because of what? Some woman was stupid enough to drive with her dog in her lap?
Five children left behind. Fuck, man. FUCK. All because of what? Some woman was stupid enough to drive with her dog in her lap?
“Shit, I got all that stuff and a dart board in my basement.”
Good god your team has been one of the most succesful franchises since 2000. Quit yer bitching.
“Great, now we’re both suspended!”
Maybe next time she’ll show some respect for his mad dribbling skillZ.
“He did?! Can you be more specific, man? I’m starvin’”
I had a panic attack once. It sucked, and I’m glad I’m not prone to having them regularly. I wish I’d known all this, though. I knew about the breathing, and that helped, but it’s just one step to recovering from an attack.
So the 21-year old with a 5-year old was being irresponsible? Get out of town.
the pricing doesn’t make any fucking sense, unless Android only gets a quarter, and iOS half the features.... I would probably pay $10, maybe $15 if I get both iOS and Mac versions, $30 is a bit much
A. Don’t lie.
Figured this would be worth posting, since my diet is pretty unique, and it’s extremely cheap.
That's not a cap. The 1.75 L bottle of Jameson, aka The Home Wrecker, has a plastic diffuser in the opening for ease of pouring.
Reactions, totally understandable.
I am looking forward to this, my late step-mother was Inuit and I would love to learn more about her heritage. My brothers are both 1/2 and gaming is one thing we share in common. Our uncle is on the council I has been 16 years since I lived in AK, but I have visited several times. Unfortunately the last…
Yup, Joel Youngblood did it in 1982
I swear this is the one day a year this site has baseball coverage besides good plays or funny things fans do on cam
You may not call this "eating well" but I'm sure you can call it "eating better than most people." Good call on the "Organic" label though
Let me ask this: would you pay $15 for an incredible, emotionally-packed, extremely well-executed two-hour movie that you enjoyed from start to finish?