
I'm diggin' the "no" boobies here. Sorry.

I'm curious as to why the people who said neither have made that decision. Their interest lie in handhelds or current gen only maybe? TGS seems like a pretty big venture for the casual gamer.

Y0u can get it in the current Humble Bundle 9 with the DLC included! Don't miss this gorgeous game... https://www.humblebundle.com The average is under 5 bucks! Can't beat it.

You just do the opposite of the dumbest criminals, right? Sounds good I'm in!

No, I can't.

There IS a difference in the violence between Halo and GTA. Jason makes a good point up top about how the kid is probably emotionally unstable but excitement can do that. We know the bottom line is it's probably best for kids to stay away from violent video games but it's quite the pickle.

How is no one commenting about how many of us played M rated games before we were of "legal" age according to the ESRB standard?

This kid has probably been reading all the hype on sites like Kotaku.

I don't have a gf, but 2 of my friends said that their SO's wouldn't let them play when she wasn't able to follow along with the game. One of the wives was bawling her eyes out throughout the game apparently.

I'm not offended personally but this isn't exactly innocuous. What's stopping you from throwing your own party? I think that's a bit overkill.

I bought a used copy of this game instead of the CHEAPER GOTY year edition simply because this cover is so hideous. In retrospect, I never really thought about replacing the artwork on my own.

Is there a reason this wouldn't cause water intoxication? I know it's not WATER but it's beer made up mostly of water, correct?

At leasts she's thin.

He made enough of an impact for someone to make a movie about his life and achievements are you jealous or something?

This guys Deviant Art blog make him look like a douche.

Well I think this would be considered promotional art or just a full illustration. I'm sure there are much goofier and much more serious concepts for the game out there somewhere.

Now playing

Hands down. So many close seconds. Also, I have never played a Persona game but omg that Persona 3 songs, amazing. Someone should compile all this on a youtube playlist!

Is there a reason there's no title? Not even on the front page. It's bugging me.

Thanks for the write up man. I put this on the back burner because I kept hearing this anime was largely passable by anime fans everywhere. Now I want to give it an honest shot.

When I look at an older Ghibli movie like Kiki, it's very charming and still holds the test of time through my eyes. I don't think it has gotten worse. I don't think it's necessary for the art to be re worked for older work, but Japanese animations these days look incredible and blow my mind sometimes.