This article seemed so....ham-fisted that it almost reads as tongue in cheek. Recommending that you fake migraines and then be thankful for perhaps eventually suffering from them? I’m sorry, what is this nonsense?
This article seemed so....ham-fisted that it almost reads as tongue in cheek. Recommending that you fake migraines and then be thankful for perhaps eventually suffering from them? I’m sorry, what is this nonsense?
Right? That’s when you know you’re depressed. When you can’t see how your actions affect other people. You’re legitimately deaf and blind to how your behavior affects your friends and family. So, it’s easy to think that you’re actually doing everyone a favor.
“When you suddenly cancel on friends, you are doing them a favor. You are in effect giving them a snow day, even if they didn’t realize they wanted one.”
I’m just so over wrong people. A significant portion of people in this country are just wrong. I commented on it on the Louis CK post, too. There is no equal dialogue when a large chunk of the population believe that women are baby-making-vessels, black people should still be slaves, Mexicans should go home except…
Man, that’s a good one. I just got on Tinder and I can’t believe how superficial it is. I’m definitely not into choosing guys just by their picture, at all. And many have no other info up there. I’d like something that’s as easy and convenient, but which gives you more info up front. Like, maybe an app that has the…
I bought Dr. Brandt’s microdermabrasion stuff. I’ve had it a couple weeks and it’s really some of the best money I’ve ever spent. I had awful cystic acne growing up and am now left with a face full of scars. This seems to be slowly helping.
Umm... Not more so than other women do? I was more referring to the apparent custom of handing out prizes/recognition/etc to dudes more often than equally-deserving women.
That title sounds like what you’d get if Lifetime made hardcore porn.
Sign me the fuck up. Absolutely.
Look, I’ve had my fair share of issues about sex after I was raped. I totally get where you’re coming from and it’s fine, it’s normal, and maybe you’ll even embrace your sexuality eventually (or not! either is fine because OF COURSE your emotional health/overall well being trumps anyone’s “need” for sex!)
I’m sorry but your comment is ridiculous.
Look, I’m very sorry by what you’ve been through but nothing in my comment was meant to be insulting and, besides, I’m merely agreeing with the study’s conclusions. But sure, I’m the one to blame for doing nothing more than saying that the study pretty much confirms what I’ve always thought: that good sex is an…
Agreed. Lasting, happy relationships don’t result from a happy sex life. A happy sex life is, apparently, just part of most lasting, happy relationships. There’s not really anything anyone can do if they don’t feel authentic attraction, admiration and affection for their partner. But this sort of research is still…
Just don’t have a kid.
Black Mirror flashback.
Amen. As a non-uterus haver, I’ve been pro-choice, but watching my wife go through pregnancy with twins and then with another, there is no way to justify forcing someone to go through that process against their will.
No no it’s so boring it’s the same thing every day and then you’re wet and you’re cold and your hair is wet and what is it all for??? So you can do it again tomorrow?
This is a flat-out lie or you’ve carefully selected only the most extreme, silliest liberals to read so that you can continue holding such absurd prejudices.
It is real life. At any moment there are bombs planted around the country just waiting to go off and kill millions. The only way to stop this is to torture every individual until we discover every bomb location. Police need to go door to door with their torture kits and torture every man woman and child even the dogs…