
Oh cool the alien mystery of GTA V Has been sol -GTA Online - FUCK.

Am I the only one who thinks that virulent shit talking should be relegated to exclusively amongst friends and not in the public eye?

Um.. this is a bit much. Just no thanks. I feel really bad for FF right now.
If this is what it comes down to. Series might be done.

That’s like going to the gym to hit on fit girls. Don’t be that guy.

People. Don’t buy the season pass. As much as I know you want to, don’t. It may be the “better” deal overall, but we really need to stop throwing money at companies with no real idea about the return. If you buy them individually overtime, you may be spending a few bucks more, but at least you can be confident in what

That chart also represents my Pokemon Go usage before and after the removal of every kind of tracking available on the game and on outside sources.

I don’t know, just about everyone in the game seems to be a member in the ‘Who’s Who’ of hated videogame characters.

The problems with Mass Effect 3's ending weren’t just narrative-based (though there were EXTENSIVE narrative problems, such as lore inconsistencies, teleporting characters, nonsensical story beats, and horrific and unintended story consequences).

The part that got me real bad was when Rhodey says something like “I’m flying no stick” and you can hear in his voice that he knows he’s going down HARD and his time could be up

Really? You’re going all Tea Party?

The margin is like 300K right now. And lets not pretend that all those voters were going to go for Bernie. That’s asking a lot of flexible math.

This one’s being directed by none other than Hideaki Anno

All they need now is a flying shark to go over.

Here we go. “My food is local certified naturally grown, and I pay triple price for everything. Everything I purchase is made by hand in a mom and pop shop that’s been there since 1942.”

except the neon signs ruine Tatooine for me. There aren’t supposed to be any neon or electric signs there.

Oh man I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who thought their environmental designs seem to be missing the mark.

Looks terrible- I really hate this generic shiny, shimmering appearance that seems so common in the ‘big three’ AAA engines today (Unreal 4, CryEngine and Frostbite). It significantly damages my immersion in delicately-crafted virtual environments.

Gotta wonder at whom this whole ad campaign is aimed at.

I look forward to the day we meet again.

Wait, story isn’t what matters in games? Maybe for you, captain, but plenty of people prefer a good story over gameplay.