
Your comment is quite amusing, considering the Death Star was actually destroyed by a pair of Proton Torpedoes.

One of the key issues in the propaganda against Cleopatra was to make her seem as foreign as possible. Antony had left Rome and moved his capital to Alexandria and intended to be buried there. So Octavian spun it as him not only being seduced by some witch, but representing the interests of the 'far east' against

The guy was 5'6''. Kind of a wierd difference in British in French measurements led to confusion, but he was above average for 200 years ago.

Forget thought provoking, it at least didn't feel the need to pillage the script of another movie.

I feel you man, I just cant handle a film unless it has explosions every five seconds. Thinking makes my head hurt.

What's wrong with the picture? Those people look reasonably well looked after.

The statement is really kind of vague. I would like to know in what way she was 'neglected' (Not that I doubt it, I just need specifics). And of course they expected to provide samples, she was a threat and a potential biohazard they were

The question is then: Are comics art, or are they a product?

If they are art, then you believe a persons sexual expression should be limited because other people disagree with it.

If they are a product, are they required to be altered to regulate human behavior?

Under both of these, are they required to be realistic?

Wow, that went south quickly. I said what I got from your statement (Which is essentially what you said, you said that female sexuality is a good thing, then proceeded to speak about male sexuality being a problem). Then I stated my position in what I feel is a reasonable way. There is no cause for going off the

No, I just really like a party with at least one girl in it. I would never take a shot at someones sexuality. A party of exclusively one gender or another doesn't really have an appeal for me. I like a bit more diversity than 4 samey looking emo dudes. So enjoy.

And the company is turning around and saying "Fuck what you want! Give me 60 dollars!"

I was super excited when I saw the main article image, I assumed she would be wearing yellow coveralls or something. Plus I have a lot of friends who cosplay and I thought she would be perfect for this character.

I don't like my party being a sausage one. So you enjoy.

Gotcha. Women having sexuality=Good. Men having sexuality=Bad. Articulates my point pretty well.

Listen, I am all for women having a greater role in the industry, I love Spider Woman's new outfit. It's great. But your post pretty clearly indicates my fear which is based in sexual regression. We don't make it better by

Your condescension does not help your argument. It simply shows you feel you have an unassailable position of moral superiority and are not willing to acknowledge anything to the contrary or even articulate your thoughts.

I never said I thought it was sexy. I said that was the intention. Classic case of jumping into an argument without actually reading a post.

See the second image is supposed to be sexy. And sexy=Morally wrong and shameful under all circumstances. Get with the times, man!

Unfortunately, that one has some serious issues. Mainly that he is supposed to be wearing his Day of the Doctor outfit but is wearing his 7B gray waistcoat which, sadly, makes it a not buy for me. I'm hoping somebody tells them and they fix it before shipping.

They seem to be doing a full Capaldi which looks pretty

Someone was napping during Rose Tyler and Donna Noble, I see.

Man, we are sure going to miss having to deal with grade A assholes like you.

It's not our fault the films are a drawn out mess. We didn't Direct them. Or ask for them.