
People keep bringing up Mass Effect, but I feel Mass Effect was a matter of a company promising a product (Stating that your actions will ultimately influence the outcome of the game) over 5 years and not delivering the product as promised. It's a matter of marketing, not creative vision. When somebody says you are

I thought it already had an Enclave storyline.

From a cosplaying perspective it is considered bad form to use unnatural means to alter your skin color to represent another race (Or a fictional race with a human analogue, like the Redguard from Elder Scrolls).

The arbitrary application of whiteface is a bit odd. I mean, I'm not offended, just really confused, as it tends to hinder rather than help his cosplays.

Sounds good to me. I am for this.

Yeaaah, i'm not getting that vibe off these cards. The message seems to be 'Putting women in skimpy armor is stupid and horrible, and you are stupid and horrible if you like it.'

Basically. Don't read any articles on Kotaku about Violence, but you get a couple articles about how sexiness in games bad a week. It's clear that Bikini Armor destroys more lives than the pervasive portray of gun violence.

Is it also missing: "Your reproductive rights are being rolled back as fast as legislators can work, maybe you should worry about that instead of boob jiggles in a C-list J-RPG?"

First off: No you didn't.

I appreciate you deciding to take the high road and back up his statement with your statement.

All because they wanted to make a mediocre Kinect game.

You clearly care more about this more than I, or anyone else, does. So...good on you! You win.

I sorry, I have not heard of this 'Revan' book you speak of. I also don't know anything about certain favorite characters of mine who were arbitrarily killed off in that book for no good reason.

Except all the bullshit filler, the retcons to the two previous games, and that it is an MMO.

And to that I say:

Except if you want to have any fun and not deal with the arbitrary restrictions on everything. Then you do have to pay to play.

There are ways to make money without screwing over your player base and depriving them of content. See: Every MMO that is not TOR.

Most MMOs make their money not by restricting content to the game itself, like TOR does, (Like selling respawns), but by selling vanity items and fun equipment (And not the shitty random cartel item system). You don't need to screw your players out of content to sustain profits for your game, in fact depriving them of

You know different branches of companies handle different things, and it is doubtful that the people working on censoring were doing QA.

Not yet for stuttering. Nice.