
Has any game released in the past 9 years launched flawless?

I really wish it wasn't such a huge milestone, I wish nobody would care about it, I wish it wasn't a big deal at all. But it totally is a big deal, because people are so afraid to do it. It's a huge barrier that needs to be broken through, because it is something so many people and companies are afraid of, and also

Considering there was some pretty hardcore lesbian sex scenes in the first vol, I don't find it too surprising.

Yeah. It frustrates me because Shadman is so technically proficient but leans too hard on the weird and the deviant.

....You're going to need to elaborate there, broseph... I don't see how it being interracial would be much of a factor, either you get along as people or you don't.

The best advice I can give to people who are looking to find people to date: Don't use OK Cupid. Period.

Standing on a street corner in your underwear holding a sign saying 'Me want meaningful relationship' will yield better, safer, and more reliable results.

Excellent. I will go play my copy of Mother 3 then while we are on the subject of things that haven't happened yet.

Thanks for the advice, John Wayne. I'm sure it works perfectly for everyone, ever.

One with benefits?

I think Persona 4 really messed me up. I feel like my life is empty because I don't have a group of emotionally damaged tightly knit friends with whom I solve mysteries with.

Yeah, they're too busy releasing rehashes and sequels while ignoring franchises their fans keep demanding (I'm looking at you, Metroid). Also, they aren't particularly concerned about their online services of the present.

To be fair, its not like they have had much of an online service to charge for.

If they wanted it to be a standalone game the should have made it a standalone game. But there's this big old 'Final Fantasy' in the title.

Hey, if that problem involves having an extra 300 bucks in my pocket, it's the kind of problem I can live with! Wakka Wakka!

If this were a video game they wouldn't release it in Australia because kids shouldn't see this level of violence.

I tend to hang out a lot with female friends at cons, and I have a girlfriend, so I usually wind up having to wingman and either back off when a friend meets a guy and shes interested or move in and play boyfriend to deter guys who they aren't into or who are making unwanted advances. And...wow...it is quite a task,

Sounds like a writing team that has most of their stuff written for them already.

I hate to keep repeating myself, and thems some pretty good words explaining what those numbers are, but this image neglects to indicate what company these numbers pertain to. Kind of the opposite problem of the previous graph. The numbers need to be used to support a point, which was my initial issue with the posting.

I don't think Nintendo is doomed, I do think the Wii U is. It just has failed on every level to capture public attention, and I am not sure if a fresh run of sequels is enough to do it. But thank you for clarifying the point you were trying to make with that.

I understand it, but slapping a bunch of numbers down and not trying to make any kind of statement with it is a stupid way to convey information.