
Except in a desert you would want to wear more, not less. It's why people who actually live in deserts where loose robes and the such, because sunburn. The more skin you have showing out there the worse off you are.

Mind you, I am not defending Madrock's statement, it is a friggin video game, things don't need to be

Is there an applicable male analog?

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Found this gem many moons ago, I think this sums up the situation nicely.

"I'm going to be hostile and presumptuous to a person who has said nothing wrong and then wonder why nobody wants to discuss gender equality with me!"

I agree, they should be as sexually repressed as America. Bury those sexual impulses under a few layers of shame. They need to be embarrassed about thinking about sexy women, like any good person.

(Hyperbole, I know, and Japan is not without it's problems. But our puritanical attitudes tend to skew our view of other

Well, personally, I prefer to see a character in action before presuming what they are based on their design. But seems to me most characters are designed to sell merchandise. It's only when sexuality enters the equation that it becomes wrong.

I expect to see a lot more articles on Kotaku about the female character designs than the issues of child soldiers. Child soldiers don't get hits.

So...the series basically only has one game? (Provided we count Metal Gear as separate)

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God I hope this game allows custom soundtracks so I can just loop this when I am underwater.

Yeah, but 'Going on a bunch of council-sanctioned missions and then getting gunned down by a few troopers' can't really match 'Committing an unspeakable act of genocide in an effort to end a bloody war, thus severing her connection to the force and making her a powerful anomaly in the Star Wars universe. Then going

Whom I maintain a standing crush on because she is pretty much the only female Jedi they let do anything interesting.

That's a random woman, simply staring at any part of a random stranger usually doesn't work out to well for you. Is it still sexist if it's my significant other? What about a friend? Or a picture? Just because something is inappropriate social conduct does not make it sexist or degrading to a person. You seem to be a

It's sexist to stare at boobs? Does this mean we need to start wearing like...body suits with zippers on them to have sex now?

Luke Skywalker is from Tatooine played video games all of his childhood and regularly used firearms for the purposes of hunting, but still has enough self-control not to kill the Emperor.

Han Solo is from Correlia and didn't play many video games growing up, but due to the gun culture of Correlia frequently shoots

Wonder what the netherlands is doing so high up there.

Funny, you could have bothered to read the thread instead of looking up that image and you would have looked less like an idiot.

Nah, you just sound like a really pretentious person who doesn't know how to enjoy anything and really likes talking down to people to make themselves feel better while ignoring any valid counter-argument.

There is a delightful bluntness to the trailer for 2016 I feel the American film industry could benefit from.

I think you are jumping to some pretty wrong conclusions there. What is means is that Sony won't change it's policies for consumers, but that it hasn't had to change to suit their consumer base. They know what people want and offered it straight out, at least this time around. They have every right to grandstand about

Good to see you have no grasp of satire in the slightest.