Brevity is the soul of wit.
Brevity is the soul of wit.
I feel a little better about this analogy because they bother to explain what they mean by it and not just throwing out the phrase for nothing.
I agree that the situation for homosexuals in sports has improved vastly, and the situation in general has improved leaps and bounds in the past few years. But is not over yet, we still have a long way to go. This is a small victory, but a victory, and I see no reason it should not be celebrated by a bit article like…
Because you have to reach out to the truth.
Did you actually play Killer 7? With it's bizzare universe full of layers upon layers of political and social subtext, with characters existing on multiple planes of existence at once and that great twist?
Killer 7 had an amazing story, while No More Heroes is a really nice play on the concept of the Otaku and man's…
Me, I like to pay for a game because it benefits the people who worked really hard to make it. However, were I to pay for this game, not a penny would go to the developer, only the souless corporation who ordered the disc. That does not sit well with me.
I appreciate you taking a stand and sticking your neck out to defend the rights of major corporations to gouge their customers while ripping off the developers who made the game.
Okay, you make a fair point there. I don't agree with his assertion that we should stop talking about it.
You called a witch hunt on a guy for not disapproving of something you disapprove of. His enjoyment of something should not affect you, and his playing of a video game does not make him a misogynist, nor does it give you the right to accuse him of supporting women being reduced to sex dolls.
You raging at him is you…
I consider nothing wrong with titillation for the sake of titillation. Provided it is consistent in tone with the rest of the piece. I mean, I got pissed during the latest Star Trek film because they had a woman strip down to her underwear for a reason that made no sense and did not serve the narrative. But this is so…
I suppose that third image there is what some people would call a 'Male Power Fantasy'?
It is...kind of one of the founding principles of any capitalist country. I'm all for objectification. Sex sells, always has, always will. I would prefer they objectify men more though. Level the playing field. But that has nothing to do with your personal experiences. If someone is harassing you, you must hold that…
I think you got the definition of 'White Knight' wrong. It's used as a term for a commenter who defends and champions a woman. Not the other way around.
I consider this more of a broad societal issue than a gaming issue. There are many different definitions of male attractiveness in society, yet we limit ourselves to only a few definitions of feminine attractiveness. And this situation has only gotten worse with the advent of photoshop and other image-altering…
I caught a lot of flack for standing up for Dragon's Crown. It had an air of silliness about it that makes the random sexuality work. Lightning is supposed to be this deep, stoic, grounded character. Giving her a boob job and making her prance around in outfits is not at all in keeping with her character.
You experienced all charities, ever, personally?
Thank you for your incredible insight, your post clearly did not spring from ignorance or bias.
That is what happened, is what I was saying. Kojima stepped in and got the game fixed.
Yeah, it sucks that we had to wait so long, and it is unusual that they would advertise it in such a fashion. But it better than them not fixing it (Or fixing it in a half-assed way), which is what happened to the Silent Hill HD. And…
Its more Kojima stepping in and saying 'Here's what my game is supposed to look like, before Konami handed it over to a bunch of people who have no idea what they are doing. Don't worry, we fixed it for you. You're welcome.'
I would seriously post this on their message board. Part of the crowdsourcing movement is that they really are working for us, the gamer. I think you make a compelling argument and they might be persuaded to patch it in as they work on the Berlin expansion.