
Its just nice to know that if you need to quit you can not be set back 15 minutes in your current area.

I don't find it aesthetically pleasing at all. I just like it on the principle that somebody bothered to try to design anything instead of just loosely photoshopping a picture in a way that is not only lazy, but also inconsistent with Quarian anatomy (And history for that matter).

I prefer this to the bullshit they came up with. She looks as alien as I expected her to be. My Shepard wasn't shallow.

So that's why the XBLA version of Soul Calibur sucked so much...Seriously, the mission mode was my favorite part of the original game.

Because Bethsoft is milking this game for all it's worth. It's hardly been discounted after 2 years on the market.

Especially since it is not linked to a transferrable account like...pretty much any other modern game system. But it seems like anyone who objects is shot down by the Earthbound fanbase who has spend the past 20 years being battered about by Nintendo and is willing to take any scrap they can get.

So basically, you dont actually believe in freedom of speech. You believe people are free to say things so long as the majority approve of such statements. People say shitty things online, and that is their right. But you cannot use the law to enforce what you believe should and should not be said. That is not only

I agree with your argument, people can be really cynical about these sorts of things.

KOTOR 2 is a fantastic game that was denied the proper development time. It's also the only remotely interesting thing to come out of the Star Wars universe since The Empire Strikes Back.

However, if you actually...y'know...read the Manga, none of the instances of nudity are sexual. At all. No innuendo. Because they are all either of Rei (Who is essentially asexual, and the nudity is used to elaborate on her inhuman nature) or Shinji in a wierd...pseudo...human..dream-state...thing.

"Does her nudity add to the story in both characterization and in a deeper symbolic meaning? Yes. But it's still a drawing of a naked, underage girl."

You are correct, it was a mistake trying to speak to you as though you were a reasonable person and not a petulant child obsessed with being right about everything. I'll be sure to just ignore you from here on out.

It somewhat saddens me you don't know what they teach people in college.

You're free to disagree, plenty do. They just know not to be a douche about it. That simple. I didn't like the game, don't let it get to you, there's nothing wrong with you you just had a separate experience from me. But fun is subjective so your

You don't want me to be a smartass, give me a worthwhile comment not 'I liked it so it must be good and nobody could disagree with me!'. That is not a statement, it is auto-fellatio.

As a Trekkie, I have to say I am amused that our MMO, however crappy it can be sometimes, seems to have none of these problems. We just got a new expansion for free, plus a summer event where you can win a free ship by completeing mini-games, all clothing is fully customizable from the git-go and costs in-game money.

I agree. You can't even get basic components required to play the game without paying real money, let alone a premium item.

An astoundingly well articulated argument. It is clear you know me too well. Somewhere along the line I just stopped making objective assessments of games and just started intentionally buying $60 products for the sole purpose of disliking them. Clearly your highly subjective and ad homeniem argument brought all of

Its an open world instead of a linear corridor.

I'd like someone without an agenda to actually empirically view the role of women in video games. It is important and something we need to improve. But Anita is so not that person, and it was obvious before she got funding she wasn't. She's just going to reach the conclusion she had before she started playing. And it

I have now mentally retconned Kojima into that movie.