
While pretty to look at, completely impractical from a usage standpoint. I type quite a bit on my phone while it is sitting on my desk. It would be constantly rocking back and forth.

I was just about to post the same thing. I can't stop laughing every time I see that gigantic impenetrable wall of words.

LOVE this band and what a great idea for the video. If you haven't seen them at a live show, they a must see!

I just got a free Lumia 800 in the mail from the Nokia Developer Program, and I have to say, it's pretty damn cool. I've got an iPhone 4S which I do love, but with this latest gen of the Windows Phone 7 devices, I can definitely start to get on board with this.

I want to, like, know, like, who the valley girl is, like, that's chattering away, like, through the whole, like, video. Like.

Can we get a confirmation or source on where this 250 number comes from?

html5test.com shows which APIs are supported, not the performance of said APIs. The benchmarks this article refers to are actually performance based, not just a count of how many APIs each browser supports.

The HTML5 test at html5test.com just shows support for the HTML5 APIs, not their performance which is what the test the article refers to does—two very different things. Just because a browser supports (or doesn't) an API doesn't mean that API performs well on said browser.

Just imagining the scenarios outside the local pharmacy, kinda like kids trying to find a happy buyer outside a liquor store. Pssst... Hey... Can you help a sister out?

Don't get me wrong, I'm highly skeptical of this and often think Eric's proclamations are bat-shit crazy, but...

If you read the complete job description, this is to *add* new features (UI features, and the services that provide data to them), not "fix" something broken about the Siri UI as this headline and article would suggest.

Now playing

The "it's funny because it's true" made me immediately think of this...

If you read the sentence carefully that you are pointing out where the iPhone is mentioned in that article, you'll notice—like most of the commenters for that article did—that the sentence most likely contains a typo:

While true, that particular piece of hate speech strikes a chord with me. And I tried to end it with some humor with the "gg". My moment of troll weakness is done.

Back at ya hippie douchebagg

It goes without saying...

"there are currently 25 toilet related maintenance calls a week on the sip and that's led to over 1,000 man-hours spent fixing crappers. During one outrage, technicians worked 35 hours non-stop trying to fix the problem."

There is a larger description of the science and planning for this here: [www.ft.com]

Now playing

Someone with that much time on their hands, and all that precision coin stacking—it can only be one thing...

By using data, do you mean data storage on the device, or data over the network? If it is the former you can, sadly, the latter—not yet.