
You had me at That's So Raven.

Agreed, I can't imagine how horrifying it would be to look up while under a local anesthetic and see this thing working on you. Gives me the heebie jeebies just thinking about it.

Ahhh the fun you could have with that at a buddies house. His phone is lying around, while you: "Siri, where's the closest strip club?" His wife walks in the room, picks up the phone. "Kevin, get in here!!"

Man I love this show. Between this and Modern Family, two of my favorites. I still love the 30 Rock episode where Liz tries to get Jenna to change the name of her website "www.jennas-side.com". Real parody site: [www.nbc.com]

I guess it would have been a nice change of pace for the docs in the clinic who are used to working on a bunch of guys johnsons all day. Ohhh lookey, a severed arm! Back off Mike the Intern, this one's mine!

I think the concept is pretty neat. If anything the ability to see really how fast online word-of-mouth spreads. Get this into an API that online marketers can use to track user behavior and WOM marketing and they are going to go batshit crazy for it!

This is a guest written article, not written by Gizmodo itself (check the author)—not a "cut and paste". You are correct that on that site (androidpolice.com) they have pointed out some flaws. But if you look at even their criticism, it was more about the chart left two phones out (that are well updated), not that the

"How, then, can 12 have run a current version, even if briefly?"

I was just curious as when you log in (the log in box appears), the page is still in HTTP, not HTTPS. Sounds like (hopefully) they are doing a secure (HTTPS) POST and not in HTTP.

Thanks for the info. It seems surprising that they wouldn't include more stock memory though. Considering their app store offerings will continue to grow, you'll want to store more music and pics on there, etc., it could start running out fast. That and the problems upgrading with the "certified" miniSD cards, seems

I'm trying to figure this out too (for Gawker sites). So when I log in to Gizmodo, my credentials are sent in clear text over HTTP, not HTTPS?

Definitely a valid point, but I wasn't really comparing it to iPhone or Android. I was just curious how the one article references the other, yet the referenced article also seems to claim a bit of "meh" itself.

I'm confused between your article and Joe Brown's. He makes the point towards the end of his article:

I can just see people in the real world trying to use this. Zoom, damn it, zoom, zoom... * snap * Arrrggghhhhh!!!!

As an FYI, it looks like iCloud support is coming in the Mac OS 10.6.9 (Snow Leopard) update. So Lion only is just temporary.

Just out of curiosity, does any one have any perspective or inside info on why Android and Windows Phone 7 units have such small specs on storage compared to the iPhone? It just seems weird that the iPhone is now topping out at 64GB of storage and a lot of these new phones are still coming out in the 16GB range. Was

Yep, you're correct, math was off by one forgetting the first iPhone was actually the "2G". I'll bet it's the iPhone 5 though. Even Apple acknowledged there was so much pre-hype around what everyone thought was going to be the "5" that it hurt sales. To release yet another (now, third) iPhone 4[something] would seem

Just as a correction, Siri cannot launch applications whether the phone is unlocked or not. Meaning, it will launch applications it needs to show you something (like Maps or Safari), but you cannot ask Siri to launch an application for you. She'll kindly tell you she's not allowed to do that.

The iPhone 4S may be "fifth" in sequence, however the next iPhone will be called the iPhone 5, not the iPhone 6. Just like the iPhone 4 came after the iPhone 3GS, whereas the 3GS was actually the "fourth" in sequence.

The unlocked iPhones (GSM) are coming, but not until November. The AT&T iPhones for sale at launch (even if you pay full price) are locked to AT&T.