
There are FLAC players (like Golden Ear) available from the App Store for iOS devices (including the iPod Touch) that play FLAC files just fine. Is there something specific you are looking for?


You might wanna refresh your browser, no site problems.

Also, apple often gets Intel processors before the rest of the industry gets them too, so not unheard of at all.

They wouldn't be competing with anyone but themselves at that point, so the argument goes away.

That may be correct, but the article says this (which is confusing, or just wrong—or maybe it is right, and @xdozex's point still stands):

If other hardware manufacturers made devices that ran iOS then yes, but since Apple doesn't allow that, there isn't anything to look at.

Correct, but you'd think that Gizmodo as an entity would have some consistency in their perspective on product and technology. It would be like one person on Giz reviewing the Tab 10.0 and calling it a "MUST BUY", and another person posting an article two days later saying "STAY AWAY, HORRIBLE!" If I use this as a

Yep, it the falling pieces look like a big black box, then that video certainly captures it.

Yes, it would be embarrassing if Apple was a search company.

I smell Script Kiddies behind this...

So I'm not clear—are you implying that this was a sinister plot and not an actual terrorist attack?

Thanks for the link, they should have just linked to this video. There was actually information in that one...

Heart for that, you pretty much nailed the video in this post.

I'm confused, where is the "story" about how these structures are taking shape, in particular the building? I don't really see much inside access here, other than a bunch of jump cuts and a sped up video of people walking around.

Yep, I'm with you. I really don't understand the new editorial direction (or what seems to be a new direction anyway) with the site. From the overly sensational—and often misleading—headlines, to the "this could have been caught in two seconds with spell check" issues, and often just incorrect facts, are getting old.

Yes, and imagine the criminal waiting outside the store to forcibly steal said precious Amazon package from you as you exit the store. Easy pickin's.

I do have to say these images are cool. However "You can also clearly see the Lunar Modules' descent stages." isn't really very accurate. I can see a clearer black splotch with some white dots in it that is apparently where where the descent stages are, but it isn't as if you can actually see a clear picture. Unless

Plus, there are A LOT of very, very smart people who are behind the products and get the actual work done at Apple. I'm sure they are going to be just fine. I'm sure they have product roadmaps/ideas that look out a long time in the future, so the seeds of what is to come have been in place for some time now.

Tim Cook has been very much a part of the machine that Steve created and they have a pretty established way of operating. I sincerely doubt there will be any noticeable change.