

The Crop Over Festival is absolutely not “aka Carnival”. Other Caribbean countries (most famously Trinidad and Tobago) have Carnival. Barbados does not have Carnival. Crop Over is a season of celebration that lasts about 10 weeks and culminates with the Kadooment Day parade, which is what is pictured here. None of it

A few weeks ago, I was in a class for work, and we had a catered in lunch. The girl sitting next to me said, “Oh, I hope they have something gluten free.” I responded with “Oh, you have Celiac disease?” To which she replied, “No, I’m just kindof intolerant. Like if I eat gluten, I get bad heartburn.”

UGHHHHH my eyes melted out of my face when I read that then my face melted off of my body then i died.

Ah yes, these two plump hens need to drop 20-30 lbs post haste.

X-files. Though I think a change in cast and putting the alien conspiracy to bed even earlier might have saved it. There were hints in that last season of a proto-Fringe type show with weirdo sci-fi eps of the week that could have been a worthy successor to the X-files had the Powers that Be had the guts to make the

So, he’s beer?

Perfect header image. God damn, how fucking good was The Golden Girls? Ahead of its time in almost every way. I can’t even fault them for showing a startlingly white version of Miami because I can somewhat safely assume that white retirees collect in enclaves.

I pay money in to a pool that gets disbursed, it’s called taxes. Money that is used to start unjust wars, which is against my religion. If I don’t pay my taxes, I don’t get to pay a fine, I go to prison. This guy is ridiculous and fails to realize or care that part of living in a society is putting money in to things

All I hear is an angry man yelling a whole lot because the buffet line has brussel sprouts and he HATE brussel sprouts and how dare they offer brussel sprouts when he hates them so much that he doesn’t want his adult daughters to go anywhere near those brussel sprouts.

Here’s my backyard which is mostly succulents. I have a kid who plays back here. We don’t miss the lawn. The park’s grass is better anyway. Here are some more reasons not to turn to Astroturf (including some drought-friendly lawn-like alternatives).

You and your calculator sure are doing the lord’s works here, Copernicus. Gosh, I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt over 30ft, but 90ft?? BURN HER AT THE STAKE

This is horrible. If you were born before 1982, almost all of our parents would have been arrested.

Before I scrolled down and saw her picture, I knew she was a black mother. This never happens to white moms.

“stereotype akin to racism”

OHV/MTB use is being retained at both Basin and Range and the one in California with the name that’s too long to remember. That’s one of the unique things about Monuments; the ability to define certain exemptions or rules that are unique and differ from the typical Park rules.

About a two hour drive north of Las Vegas, Basin and Range is in a remote, largely unpopulated are of Nevada.

The real question is the Enterprise vs. a Star Destroyer. The Enterprise probably has a technological edge, but the Star Destroyer might be able to overwhelm it with sheer power.