
I was in LA the other weekend, and I drove down PCH to get to LAX on my way back. Stupid motherfuckers in Malibu were watering their lawns (problem #1. No one needs a lawn in Malibu) in the middle of the goddamn DAY (problem #2!) I saw rampant water waste everywhere down there. In Northern California, we’d fucking

I have left many a restaurant and changed many a baby in the trunk of a car. Maintains basic courtesy AND the looks on people’s faces in the parking lot when I pull a baby out of the trunk are priceless.


In my own life I’ve noticed a direct correlation between being polite repeat customers who tip well and the servers not charging (within reason) for refills that normally cost extra.

I’m laughing right now, because if I don’t, I will kill myself with the pizza wheel I just found in our bedroom for some reason (why?).

Working title:

I don’t know that you should really see yourself in the comments about these women unless you’re firmly in Real Housewives territory. I don’t get the sense anyone feels the same about SAHMs living normal lives. And I think for most people, the feminist nightmare part only comes when it’s an expectation for all women

Either it’s an allowance and you’re treating your wife the same way you would treat a child, or it’s a bonus and you’re treating your wife the same way you would treat an employee. These are not great options.

i resent the fact that there are 24 yr olds with enough money to waste on foolish retail ventures in NYC.

It doesn’t get much more New York than this.

Ok, honesty time. I couldn’t tell my partner how many people I’ve slept with because somewhere around my late 20s, I stopped counting. It’s not like it was so many that I couldn’t keep track, it just didn’t seem like important information to hold in my head.

Ha! As a book reader, I feel like this season is moving the plot at hyperspeed.

I think a lot of the problem comes from the fact that the show runners have consistently changed the books to add more rape than they had already. In the books, it’s not Sansa that marries Ramsay, but someone else pretending to be Sansa. They choose to cut that character out entirely, but keep the rape.

I think one of the reasons I really loved this is that the style reminded me a lot of both Fallout and Wasteland, but with more vehicles. And yes, obviously both games were influenced by Mad Max.

You know what the best and most subtle bit of feminism in the movie is?

Forget that it’s a Mad Max film for a second: it is probably one of the best edited, well-crafted, brilliantly-placed, perfectly designed films I’ve ever seen. And what’s more, it worships show-don’t-tell: they establish more about characters with no dialogue than some tv shows can manage with multiple seasons.

One dude on Facebook was losing his tits because this movie is “social engineering” and it lured him in with DUDE STUFF like cars and explosions and if it does really well at the box office, it will mean more movies about strong women.



IT’S TRUE, THOUGH. And my husband LOVED it! I couldn’t believe how fucking incredible this movie is. I’ve never grinned with glee at anything so hard in a movie theater, before!

Hey everyone, go see it so George Miller will make us another one. It’s a really wonderful film, I saw it last night and the obsession has crept up so hard since that I’m considering skipping work this afternoon to see a matinee.