
I want to go to there.

I don't know if this is regional (maybe originally from the Netherlands or England?), but in my family, turkey curry is a pretty standard use for any leftover Thanksgiving/Christmas turkey. The version of curry we make is yellow and very mild, and usually includes chopped apples and raisins as a garnish. This always

I was boycotting black Friday anyways because it's a nightmare. I like taking the day after Thanksgiving to be with friends, relax and contemplate being thankful. Mostly I can't be bothered with crowds. And now I have a good reason to stay home!

1) Congratulations on your divorce. Not enough people say that, and they should, you are free!

+1 agree. SO MUCH THIS

My mother, after my father died, stopped dating a few years after he passed. She has been steadfastly single for the last 25 years. While I often resented the problems (financial and logistical) that her choosing to be a single mother for such a long time created, I realized only recently how many more problems she

Pretty sure I went on a date with this guy as well, although he gave up acting to become an (unsuccessful) talent agent.

I had the pleasure of driving (then) VA Assistant Secretary Duckworth around for an afternoon of campaign events in my home state a few years ago. She was the chillest, most down-to-earth pol I have me to date. Her flight came in late at the airport where I picked her up, and made us very late to various campaign

Yes, rock on OK feminists, but fuck every single adult in this community who isn't offering support for the girls — children — who were violated and fuck them for not standing up as adults and giving condemnation for how they have been treated. One of these assaults took place after a church youth group meeting. Where

All of THIS occurred to me when I was 13 years old. Left the faith and never looked back.

Ah yes, the revisionist view of the rise of civilization and agriculture. This seems to build on Jared Diamond's work...required reading for most Anthro majors. I'll add this link for context: http://discovermagazine.com/1987/may/02-th…

Yup. Super glad the 90s are over.