Because others like an artist more than I do, I want that artist destroyed!
Because others like an artist more than I do, I want that artist destroyed!
I watched this show with my dad every night. He died Wednesday. I know somewhere he’s laughing with me about how awesomely unapologetically unsubtle the line was about the guns.
Read comment aloud to non-nerd husband. His response: “That is frightening to think about. Because I imagine a Klingon penis looks a lot like a Klingon face.”
I’m not making any sweeping generalizations about the kids these days or anything. A lot of their perpetual outrage is justified. I just can’t help rolling my eyes at these specific total-fucking-wieners who had no shame at all in sharing with the whole world their hurt feelings about the author of a Twitter feed…
I like the idea that our morality is shifting away from this, because even as a man, I dislike the notion that sex is predicated on overcoming a woman’s resistance. This is an actual conversation I’ve had:
Because we don’t value facts/data/education and we overvalue religious institutions (especially now when fewer and fewer people go to weekly worship). Gender equity is not just fair, it is smart, because it benefits society overall. And organized religion as a sector doesn’t do very well on gender equality. Well, I…
I usually agree and appreciate the advice in this column. Good stuff.
god you could drown a puppy in my panties right now
What gets me about the wider Toby Young thing..... is yet again the way that these governments/influential groups react with surprised indignation to finding out awful people are awful, and do and say awful things.
You should have more stars for this.
I think it’s a misunderstanding to think that this has anything to do with French vs. American and I’m kind of offended most of you seem to see it that way. The whole reason Deneuve and others felt compelled to write this stupid letter is that there’s a huge #meetoo-like campaign in France too. French women fight the…
This whole comment thread is a ridiculous generalization. I wonder if they even realize how fucking stupid they sound trying to one-up each other to see who can be the most hyperbolic and full of shit about a country most have probably never even visited?
Yes it’s insane because it’s not true, I’ve lived 27 years in France, never heard anything like that, and I lived in several countries and didn’t notice a difference about the way we treat our skin. But keep going people, I love how everyone is so sure of their assertions about France, like their 5 weeks summer school…
Wooow... At first I found the first comments of this thread funny and on point but the more I read them the more offending I found them to be... Interesting how some women are coming to comment this article -which is basically about how some women are not showing solidarity to other women - to say blah blah blah…
Trust me, this movement has roiled up some tough questions about my own past, and I’m betting I speak for many others. I support the movement, but relating to these young women’s stories is like translating a document without a common language. There is a huge disconnect in my mind between what is happening now, and…
Yeah the first 3-4 series of the show are really fucking gritty and have a “realism” focus. Then it went to shit like “MI-6 launch a coup” and “Russian nuclear warhead on UK soil about to go off”.
First time I saw Spooks I was NOT PREPARED for that shit. Series 1 episode 2. The name made it sound like it would be much more light-hearted than it was.
Is it just me or is there a weird anger/dislike of the French, and sort of a collectivism going on in the comments? France is diverse, too, and it’s not like all French women are straight out of an arthouse film. Plenty of French feminists exist, both men and women (and non-binary, I’m sure, too), as do far-righters…
I dunno, I’m old broad and having endured harassment over the course of 40+ years, I’m done taking it. And now that I’m well established in my profession and not living paycheck to paycheck, I’m ready to call out any transgressions. #NotAllOldBiddies