Wait though. She read through his tweets. She took time to find out what was going on with him before responding. He tweeted with rage with a background of pain and frustration. Don’t tell me you don’t think that Silverman could have demolished this man. She is an international comedic talent. Instead, she tweeted…
I’m getting slaughtered in this thread for being optimistic about people reconciling their differences.
>The whole act is one big offensive caricature.
Also, Cliff Claven.
I feel lucky being gen-X wing.
Thank the 97% of black women voters.
Also, huge shout out and props to the black community for coming out to vote. Turnout in majority African American counties was very high compared to expected averages. Doug Jones had better remember that!
But that is completely incorrect. Formula 1 absolutely is about physical strength and we know this because the drivers go through rigorous training to be able to pilot these cars. Everyone who follows the sport knows the amount of force exerted on the neck and core during cornering, on the leg during braking, the heat…
The US also loses air space navigation fees. When you go the other direction. However, the way the fees in the US are structured I don’t think it’s a profit making enterprise, more of a cost offset.
In the response you made in my post you identified yourself as a Republican. I’ll just warn you right now, in case you haven’t noticed, the Republican Party isn’t the Republican Party anymore. And the Democratic Party is busy descending back to hell (Jacksonian Democrats which have a tendency to be indistinguishable…
Tarentino’s “apology” re doing nothing about Weinstein is no such thing. There was a big contrast to the response of Kevin Smith, another Hollywood man who had benefitted from Weinstein. He had a response that was honest, heartfelt, and combined with a solid effort to make amends. I posted some quotes and Mary Sue…
But it was only a joke. Like when people ask me how many baby mommas you got, Jamal. Like my name is not Jamal and I don’t have kids. And I only sold crack that one time. Then I realize no one mentioned crack.
It was also called the “Babel” protocol or something on the viewscreen, which I’m guessing is a reference to the Tower of Babel Batman story where Bats had detailed files on taking down his fellow members of the Justice League if they went bad.
It’s funny that your so myopic that you would assume that I’m white simply because I don’t agree with you. Sorry bud I’m black or to be accurate I’m mixed race. Which means growing up I was insulted by black people for not being black enough and white people for not being white enough. But let’s be honest when the…
There’s also a clear distinction between socialism and unions.
Isn’t it amazing? Every other woman in the office will know, and greet newcomers with “hey, heads up, this guy is a creep so be careful,” EXCEPT the ones who work in HR. Miraculous!
Hot take: Jeff Buckley’s cover of Hallelujah is the definitive. All other versions can go home and take a seat. This one can sit in the cold, dark, moldy basement.
Sorry. It certainly is — whether you wish to acknowledge this or not.