
Not sure what we expect for a basic data entry job. These are not programming positions involving years of university education. It’s literally supplying knowledge to the AI which any grown adult already knows.

Your comment is a better review than the review. Thank you for providing some context and analysis that we (or at least I) would have missed otherwise.

With the whiff of a filler set piece, this subplot had all of Richmond’s players remembering that the best way to spend a curfew-free night in Amsterdam is to not go see tulips, not eat Dutch food, not attend a private party, and definitely not bear witness to a sex show and instead to have a pillow fight(?).

The idea that there are Millennials and GenZers just now discovering ‘Wuthering Heights’, ‘This Woman’s Work’, and ‘Babooshka’, to say nothing of the legitimately deep cuts kinda blows my mind.

Someone offers someone a kind apology, internet is outraged.

I agree with you. I don’t think this streamer deserved to be fired for making a shitty joke, but she absolutely deserves scrutiny for it. Nobody has control over their height, and telling a percentage of the population, “you are irredeemably unattractive for reasons you can’t control” is an asshole take even if it’s a

You must be talking about the part just before the talent agent asks what they call the act.

No, Matt Smith will be playing John Harrison. Definitely not Kahn, but the actual John Harrison, inventor of the chronometer.

All of that is conspiracy theory nonsense. People throw around phrases like “Paramount had access to the Babylon 5 Bible” as if that meant anything.

This was one of the asteroids that the belters have been dropping on the earth, I thought. That ship had just installed a drive on a fresh rock, and took a shot at the Roci when saw her. Not a relativistic kill weapon, just a newtonian one.


I am surprised that it was ever high, then again not sure how far back they were tracking it.

Now playing

Actually, now that I think about it, Justified and Ancient would also fit right in too.

Watching a Chris Chibnall story unfold is like being forced to listen to a six-year-old tell you about his most recent game of Fortnite.... only the six-year-old has a better sense of narrative structure.

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How about a few word from someone that does push the envelop and really is That Fuuny.

Where is this “woman includes a requirement for a reproductive role” argument coming from, because it sure as shit isn’t coming from me? I’m literally just talking about what sex is assigned at birth versus those who transition from male to female. I think trans women are trans women, and that is okay and they are

Police don’t have the de-escalation skills required to work customer service jobs.

Finally watched it. I thought it was pretty good to be honest. Then again, I’m not part of the trans community.

This article just illustrated why you should stick with Facebook; there is no single service that can do everything Facebook does. The chances of you convincing all of your Facebook friends and groups to switch to this cornucopia of services is slim.