
And remember that you have to act just the right amount of freaked out afterward. Like you are super upset, you life has been ruined, sure, but not so upset that you are hysterical or irrational. You can’t be really calm and collected, but on the other hand, don’t be confused or unsure.

Rockymountainrococo is not personally calling women stupid bitches, but rather, using the language of those who DO say (and think, and mean) such things, in order to make the point pointier.

Yeah! How good was he at Sportsball? Why is no one asking the larger ramifications of this to society??? We could ALL be missing out on some glorius sportsotainment, and thats just un-American.

A hate crime is a specific type of crime. It’s something you do against someone because of the category of person they are (a woman, black, gay, etc), not because of circumstance or other situational things.

Okay, so what would be the general legal principle for enforcing contracts when one party is no longer happy with the agreement?

Also, why does everyone keep misgendering the judge?

There are many reasons to uphold a contract. “Sanctity of contract” is a specific line of legal reasoning that was widely used by courts in the early 20th century to overturn social progress laws intended to boost worker bargaining power, wages, safety, or reduce hours. You see it used particularly where contracts are

OH AND HOW COULD I FORGET. This poor poor guy she is accusing... does he have his whole bright future in front of him? is it super promising? WELL THEN, the police might think twice before bringing charges because EVEN IF THEY THINK her ‘story’ might hold water...what if she is a lying whore trying to ruin his life?

I am more shocked that Second Life is still around to be honest.

Billboard says (in 2014) he was still receiving royalties. Multiple sources in 2015 report that he still receives royalties from his music. Multiple sources says he still received royalties in 2015. And it matters because a) respect for his victims b)presumably in the UK, as in the US, aving some money means that you

Damn. You are cold.

I knew I could count on this bunch to counteract the fawning. Remember this FLOTUS counseled her husband based on astrology. So no worse than Bush Jr who took advice from warmongers with a vested, some might say conflict of interest.

My God, this looks _terrible_. I mean, sometimes good movies have awful trailers but usually they try to prune through the movie and put some of the best parts in. If this is all they could find then we’re in for a painful 2 hours.

Yes, because there are sooo many leading roles for women of colour floating around out there.

there is a fine line between criticism and bullying these days, thanks to the internet. even if one is being politically correct about what they are saying - it is not right to bully someone on this level. she has been called out and will be continued to be called out - and questioned by the public at large. but this

Not everyone who lives in those states is like these people.

I am so fucking angry right now.

Wow, I had this brief naive moment where I was thinking how as a pro-choice woman, I certainly hope to see an Abortion-free world too, since people have lots of real sex education and access to contraception and the kind of educational and occupational mobility to make caring for a child more feasible for many.