Not without a trigger warning, anyway! [long shepherd's crook comes from offstage, grabs BDCB by waist, drags him off stage right followed by boos and hurled rotten fruit]
Not without a trigger warning, anyway! [long shepherd's crook comes from offstage, grabs BDCB by waist, drags him off stage right followed by boos and hurled rotten fruit]
Second hottest cat woman ever! Julie Newmar will always be my number one!
Goddammit, Michonne, why are you so awesome?
Seems like a good place to put this:
I for one, think he would make a great 13th Doctor.
He was about as good an addition to the Firefly universe (in Serenity) as could have been hoped for, although my personal favorite is still Dirty Pretty Things.
This is what I was hoping to find in the article, actually. I’d love to read an article that analyzes this.
“I’m not sure a trailer has ever made me more excited to see a film.”
When we hear music from Star Wars or The Legend of Zelda, we think of noble destinies or awaiting adventures. When…
An old friend of mine photographed him recently for Popular Science. He said he was cool, classy, and funny.
I don’t know why, maybe it’s the stomache flu, maybe it’s the sleep deprivation, but this gave me the emotions. Thanks.
And for people who are too young, she faced a firestorm for having come out; people demanded she be fired, certain radio hosts called her “Ellen Degenerate” and considered themselves fiendishly clever, and she was basically shunned by craven networks who feared losing their audiences.
I get what he’s saying because Ellen was visible in a way no one in Hollywood had been up until that point. Still, as humble as he is, he’s been an amazing president for LGBT individuals (and the country at large, I think.) He pushed the repeal of DADT through (thanks Clintons!) and refused to defend DOMA (thanks…
I think this is more about cultural perceptions rather than physical attraction. I’m from a Chinese background so I’m less familiar with Japan, but it’s my understanding that Japan like many other Asian countries is still often quite sexist and traditional in its view of female roles compared to the US. So an Asian…
By the time I hit my mid-twenties, after years of dating both inside and outside of the United States, I came to a…
Pity not the balls for they toll not for thee.
Hello fellow UK feminist
I refer to men who are shrouded in this fog as FUMs, fogged up men; other terms come to mind. They may might not be feminists but as they wander through the mist of politics and polemic about women, they feel like they should be feminists. They think feminism is good for everybody and they want to be nice to women.…
Why do you side with her? I don’t feel bad with her at all.
You don’t, actually I can’t think of a reason that I would need even a single gun. I don’t have any fantasies about shooting a bad guy or feel that I need one for protection.