but if you offered most American men the opportunity to corral women into rape camps? They’d do it in a heartbeat.
but if you offered most American men the opportunity to corral women into rape camps? They’d do it in a heartbeat.
Pornography, and sex work, whether it involves what we think of as convention abuse and degradation... is always about the suspension of the performers’ sexual autonomy.
I am very passionate about roads. its my job, and there are serious physical limitations to what these people want to achieve. roads are already expensive to produce, this will just make it so much more. sure, the difference in cost from a traditional paved road, to a panel road, vs the energy cost stored is what is…
Wait. Wait wait wait. No one is commenting on this:
Why would a thinking man take feminism seriously? Maybe because they think women should have equal rights?
I know there is a vast army of people that are determined to characterize feminism as evil. And I just know they are only doing it with the sincerest motives. There is no way at all anyone is trying to poison the…
This happened earlier (although I do understand and empathize with many of their points) today on an article about sanitation and it’s effects on women in Nepal. The threads seemed to degenerate into finger-pointing about feminists who don’t care about people of color, intersectionality, privilege, cultural…
She was a Birth Control Truther and made it her goal to question everyone about every bit of their reproductive lives. She also believed that all dysmenorrhea was a psych issue and not a real medical issue (women brainwashed by western medicine to believe that their bodies are faulty), and that I should embrace my…
I’m starting to feel this way, too. I just don’t get it. I’m a liberal as they come, the biggest feminist most of my friends and family know... and this is absolutely ridiculous. There is such a huge community on the internet that glorifies being a victim - and if you’re lucky enough to have not been a victim, you…
I don’t agree with Kipnis on a lot of things, but her original piece raised a lot of legitimate issues with the current direction of the feminist movement, especially on campuses.
This reminds me a bit of an article I read yesterday (http://www.politics.co.uk/blogs/2015/05/…). Its thesis is that the left has allowed a certain strain of counterintuitively regressive identity politics to take over the movement, and the result has been a sort of bizarro-world conservativism where there’s a kind of…
You too huh?
I like that you think second wave feminism is misogyny.
I am currently reading the newest piece and all I can say is that it is amazing how effective the proper deployment of logic can be! To wit:
Actually the term survivor kind of annoys me too. It’s so... precious. Like something your touchie-feely hippie teacher would come up with. I feel the same way about safe spaces and trigger warnings. Just no. Maybe it’s a generational thing. I feel like anyone under the age of 30 is just a special snowflake that has…
I agree 100%. Kipnis’ piece is a bit long and I’m still reading it but I can see her points. And even if I don’t end up agreeing with everything she says, how is this grounds for any kind of complaint??? These students sound insane. Not, not insane. They sound bored. That’s what my mom would say. These are the…
No. Can’t tolerate different viewpoints and it’s not just the consent stuff, they also want trigger warnings and to police professors and what they can and can’t teach, lest these delicate flowers be exposed to any form of thinking that doesn’t mesh 100% with their ideology. They’re like the feminist taliban.
I mentioned this to you earlier today, Natasha, but over the past year, I’ve found the public face of the movement to grow more and more divorced from what it seems society needs feminism to be doing. In one corner, we have pandering celebrities who have tapped into the lucrative Tumblr activist demographic by…
I was raised by my dad and my grandparents didn’t encounter feminism until I was in college. So much of this, to me, is like being on the outside and looking in and then suddenly I am a part of it. Everywhere I go there is just a new rule, a new idea, a new “thing” that I may or may not be in compliance with or…
Sigh...this is why we can’t have “nice” things. Agree or disagree, fine. But really, this kind of thing just adds more fuel to the Rush Limblah army—”Feminazis!” he’ll cry, while sitting on his mountain of money. And the real issues will be swept under the rug as usual.
Yes dear, we know. Objectifying a woman plays into a larger social structure that puts women at a disadvantage. Objectifying a man is just a shitty thing to do to that individual man. But... you know... it’s still nice to not do shitty things to people. It’s especially nice to not do shitty things to people while…