
We are certainly confused about US police shootings. In Australia, where I am, 6 people have been shot dead by police in 2011, 6 in Germany and so on. English police have killed 52 people in 115 years! One person every three years.

I am an American that happened to live in Kenya during the Westgate shooting (hence the username). I was at that mall the day before while waiting for a visa stamp. I have lived in the U.S. all my life but never felt "connected" to any of the mass shootings before. I remember sitting in my house in Kenya while being

This is great that someone is actually speaking out about it but this will take more than one person to do something about it, here in UK they actually do take online threats of rape or any other threats very seriously, i remember when some trolls threatened the person who campaigned for Jane Austin to be on £10

True about the greeks. Thanks for the info! You are actually right. xo

I actually disagree. The comment you originally posted says much more about the ideas and stereotypes that you carry about athiests than it does about actual athiests or the article above your comment.

They didn't come in and tell Christians to shut up. The OP was like "Fine, but just don't be ASSHOLES!" and then a bunch of religious people hopped on to thank her for reminding atheists not to be assholes, followed by some atheists, which BTW, are in a tiny religious minority in the U.S. that is also viewed very


I think they're going to pass laws banning gay marriage and abortion and stem cell research. They will be science deniers. They will require the teaching of their holy book in a SCIENCE class. They will require public school kids to have a moment of silence instead of a moment of learning. They will publicly question

We have a winner! Indeed, this thread sounds very MRA-like to me as well. Being annoyed is not the same as being discriminated against *by the government that you pay for.* Did you know that in my state, I can't run for public office because I'm an atheist? Did you know that my daughter's teacher gave her a Jesus book

It's not a matter of numbers, it's a matter of privilege. It's the same matter of privilege as we talk about all over this site. Everyone has privilege of some sort. I have white privilege. I have an education privilege. But I'm a woman and I'm an atheist. Those are not privileges in this country.

perfect. this is where i get to go all fox news and say,

It's not nice to be rude to anyone. But these comments just read very "what about the men!" to me. Here we are having a conversation about how atheists can raise wonderful kids despite being told by the religious majority that we are amoral (something people have literally told me) and someone pipes up "well just

I think it's a little different. I'm an atheist too, raised by atheists, and I've had some shit thrown at me by religious types, but I'm also not going to tell someone else their beliefs are stupid or wrong if all they are doing is practicing them in private and not pushing them on me. However, use your religion to

Never once had an atheist come pestering at my door trying to shove her beliefs down my throat.

I'm not outright rude to religious people, but after spending 20 years of my 30 year life defending myself from screeds about what a terrible person I am, or how I cannot have morals for lack of god, I'm not entirely sympathetic to this argument. Religious people are the vast majority in this country, and much of our

I had a lovely Catholic life until HS, when we got an ex-missionary priest. My family is Mexi-Catholic, so while my folks were very involved in the Church it was very cultural as opposed to letter-of-the-law Christianity. Our church was nice and taught us to live by the golden rule and that prostheletizing was not

"I would like to take this time to say directly to the small town I grew up in and its endless youth groups and Bible studies and Baptist churches and even grosser fundamentalist Church of Christ churches, and all the prayers before games, and Fellowship of Christian Athletes and the fear-mongering attitudes and pervy

if religion got out of the business of politics and morality-legislation (while being tax-free) i would be more on board with this... but the religious influence politics and make policies based on their religion that affect us all - as a non-believer, i don't tolerate that.

Maybe, just maybe, we shouldn't respond with full militaristic force to an anonymous tip. Park a couple squad cars outside and knock on their door, instead of going in full force?

Hi there. I'm not able to send you a PM unfortunately, so I guess I will ask you my concerns here and see if you're able to respond.