seriously, for a name like science isn't scary it seems a little odd that you would leave a story that smells to high heaven like this and would, in fact, scare people.
seriously, for a name like science isn't scary it seems a little odd that you would leave a story that smells to high heaven like this and would, in fact, scare people.
That pun was...
But do you find it fulfilling? Are you really happy?
Wow. This is the first time I've ever agreed that cellphones are ruining humanity. I miss the old days where if you got a wrong phone number call you said oops, sorry about that! And the other person said "don't worry about it. Happens to the best of us. Have a good day!" And you both hang up and no one thinks about…
yeah, i agree. if anything, i find goopy refreshingly honest about it. she's even said, she's not going to pretend to be someone who makes 25000 a year. and i find that less annoying than the jlaws pretending they're just like us commoners (and i like jlaw but her 'i'm so normal!' schtick is getting tired.
Get the fuck over it. She is rich the horror.
Knives go down, forks go up, and spoons can go either way.
Pet peeve:
cool. and i moved to san diego from baltimore. and then 7 months later i moved right. the. f&ck. out.
How much bland weather, bland people, bland music, bland nightlife, and bland footwear can a person enjoy before they get their wish to "die there" and just keel over from pure terminal blandess? a million people…
I can't believe Connecticut isn't higher. It was the most miserable place I've had the displeasure to spend three years. And, it is nothing like New York or New Jersey. At all.
I mean, being a douchey asshole is not the same thing as being a rapist.
But how many Peeps can she eat in two minutes?
Wait, so I wasn't supposed to eat those Irish babies? Fuuuuuuu
Sometimes I wait for the movie to come out on DVD because I DON'T want to see it in 3D! The theater only offers the 3D version and I hate wearing the glasses.
Lunchables were actually a treat for me growing up, so I still sometimes eat them every once in a while in an effort to cheer myself up.
I'm willing to bet that Juggalos have collectively sexually assaulted about 10,000 times as many women as Woody Allen (who counts for, at best, 2).