CJ dot co

Cry me a river

Oh boy! A game with toys from my childhood in it.


Yeah. I cannot imagine my wife treating me this way, or me acting this way about something she was interested in.

Frankly, it seems like the whole “but Drake is a huge murderer angle” is contrived so pieces like this can be written by games journalists struggling to find a way to be taken seriously (not a jab at this article, but the one referenced). Like any other protagonist in a game with guns, Drake shoots the bad guys who

Another riveting “adventure.”

What really hit me was reading the notw from Sully and Sam and realizing the daughter was named Cassie after Drake and Sam’s mom. Beautiful.

It looks incredible visually. But there's no way you can watch that generic ass trailer and not know it'll be shit.

“Because they’re terrible and embarrassing.”

You are showing a dangerous amount of internalized critical thinking.

Ok, so what was Disney infinity?

Accusations are proof, y’all.

Oh boy. This is gonna be bad.

That doesn't make this kind of behavior any less wrong. Try to accept the simple fact that two things can be wrong at once.

Exactly. The fact that wood can burn doesn't make you any less an arsonist if you burn a house down.

Not gonna lie, that was unwatchable.


“Git Gud”

I would LOVE steam version of the Scott Pilgrim game.

I sure hope this movie features almost no Godzilla, focuses on a boring American army man’s quest to find his boring kid, and involves repeated attempts to kill a monster with its food.