Is there an issue with my video or does it look like THE TRAILER drops to like 5fps a few times?
Is there an issue with my video or does it look like THE TRAILER drops to like 5fps a few times?
Kylie Katarn
Here's a cool trick for when you don't want to spoil a game by streaming it: don't watch the stream.
Yeah bro it's a conspiracy against DC.
Your whole line of argument is bullshit. Do you honestly prefer a sandwich with stale bread and lousy ingredients over something that is, at the very least, not bad?
Can’t say I’m surprised.
In other words: it is a very fun movie.
Pls post the rip. It's newsworthy
This looks like the typical plastic foggy looking cgi that is typical in a lot of movies these days, even finished ones.
This looks like the typical plastic foggy looking cgi that is typical in a lot of movies these days, even finished…
That cgi is SO BAD
That cgi is SO BAD
No more offense hats on college campuses. You did it, millennials!
Man. It would be great if game companies made things adults could own
Can we bring back a YES or NO system at the very least? These reviews are useless.
Part of what I loved what the charm of how half assed so much of it was. Unscrewed with Martin Sargent was great, especially because of what a mess it was.
G4, and especially techTV before it, were great.
Oh. Well, I don’t like it, but nowI get it.
Since when do xenomorphs have such stupid teeth.
I love modes like this. Frontier Defense has kept me playing Titanfall for long after I otherwise would have quit.
How do you have a job?