CJ dot co

Only way to win is not to play.

Being excited when third party support for Nintendo = a five year old game really shows the state of the company’s relationships with developers.

Nintendo showing that once again it is focusing on reliving new experiences, like a game from 5 years ago.

Great show. Appa’s Lost Days hits me in the feels so hard.

Who’d have thought that marketing targets the largest buying audience for a specific product?

Clickbait blogger feigns shock that horror movie involves horrible things.

Yeah it's hard to believe that Patricia is confused abut whether this is a mystery or just another broken promise from the devs.

I played and loved 2, but neither 1 or 2 are necessary to love 3.

Can't wait for more articles written by people unfamiliar with the subject matter.

And no usb, since you can plug it in directly anyway.

There is unfortunately a large number of people who don’t understand that games change in development, and that even if the E3 trailer is why they bought the game, the game they bought a year later is different and this isn't because they were lied to.

Oh please. The amount of creative freedom

You must be new.

Maybe the delay is so they can improve performance by 30% and deliver a smooth 13 fps at launch.

Omg r u ok

I'm sure someone will miss your riveting accounts of parallel parking a used car you just bought.

Yeah why wouldn't a robot be fat?

Really important journalism.

To be accurate, gawker media is here because it published an illegally made sex tape.

Because honor culture is garbage.