“We are the anti choice generation.”
“We are the anti choice generation.”
I’m sure there is a ton of optimization to do. It’s a great game and a ton of fun. And on ultra the graphics are outstanding. I’m not complaining, it’s early access so I don’t think it’s fair to expect perfection.
At 1080p on ultra this game runs at like 20fps on my gtx980.
The need for false equivalency is almost pathological at this point.
Tfw a guy with an anime avatar makes fun of literally anything.
Readers may be shocked to find out that many voice actors aren’t the fictional characters they portray. What a dumb controversy.
We must have played different games.
Yes all the dead will be comforted know that, while America will never address gun control, we can at least handle postponing video game articles. Get Real.
Neither looks cool and DBZ sucks. How could you neglect such crucial information?
Yeah it’s pretty shocking how anemic the new consoles are. I get that with time developers will eek more performance from these systems, but it seems like Microsoft and Sony forgot that the last gen only endured so long because the consoles were monsters when they came out. Comparatively, this generation were barely…
No suspicion is the wrong word. It raises some issues projection, for you. That's all.
Is James Deen now representative of white men?
God. “Gaming” mice any keyboards are so embarrassing. Does any company make these for adults?
Such an amazing game. Is so packed with beauty and memorable characters and quests. My wife and I were just talking the other day about how it's one of the few games I genuinely miss after beating.
This post reminded me of how much more fun pride was to watch than UFC.
I'm really stoked for this. I think the prior game was underrated. I just hope this doesn't get forgotten because of fallout 4.
Please stop silencing this person of color.
Neuroma very has the best opening line in a Sci Fi. Love the BOOK.