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“We fucked up. how can we fix it?”

“Why Can’t Games Protect Me From Making tough Decisions?” Asks Millenial

Fat dudes in white wife beaters, beating each other over a sports team. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the United States of America.

They don’t really don’t want anything except the ability to complain and feel morally perfect.

You’re sure it’s a problem, but you don’t know how often it happens.


Yeah, the only people who should have opinions or explain things are women of color.

Maybe he’s just rude? It’s possible a bias towards seeing sexism on your part may result in you seeing his actions through that lense. He might be sexist too, just playing devil’s advocate.

Being fat is clearly healthy, damn what the medical community says!

Kirk, is Taken King’s story told through the game instead of hidden away on cards that require you to stop playing to read them?

Neither is great IMO, but I blame the material. I’m guessing, like most players, neither Dinklage nor North read the few hundred grimoire cards necessary to understand and care about the story and characters.

Sports fans prove that you can do anything as long as you throw a ball well.

How dare this woman think she has the right to choose the father of her baby.

Cool Pope isn’t cool at all. He gets applause merely for being marginally in step with some values that are already uncontroversial among normal people. It's a low bar.

Guys, don't buy a toy for a movie that might wind up being terrible. (Please god don't be bad)

Guys, don't buy a toy for a movie that might wind up being terrible. (Please god don't be bad)

This was even more boring and repetitive than the show.

Bad tattoos give me anxiety, but these are the most avoidable problems in the world. Find a reputable artist, look at the design they come up with before they put it on you.

Not really, but at least you didn’t misuse the term “tragic.”

The whole “screw Konami” thing makes no sense. What is done is done. Kojima isn’t coming back. The game will be a huge hit and some bitter, reactionary idiots not buying the game won’t change that at all.