
I literally just called 99% of his videos boring to watch.

Neither is One Take. Have you seen their other videos? Check them out

I think Farrah’s videos and reviews are some of the worst out there. I’m honestly not sure how he has that many subscribers.

Now playing

I don’t get Jalopnik’s deal with Farrah. The guy drives like a mindless dickbag on public streets - way over the speed limit - and he’s a “friend of the website”. Anyone else does it and they’re virtually skinned alive and ridiculed like the fools that they actually are.

Just needs Chris Evans screaming (says nobody).

Feels.... right.

I’m sorry you feel that way. Based on your comment I can tell you’ve never been to Hunterdon or Somerset county. You’re welcome to come visit.

I think you might be confusing this with NYC

Right, it’s the Staten Islanders on the NJ Shore show that no one ever admits to watching. I’m not going to post pictures of people on a public forum, so that could be one reason I didn’t.

Michael Ballaban’s Guided Tour of New Jersey:

I think I speak for my fellow Jersey Jalops when I say that if you go south, west, or north of that New York mess, you will find some nice areas.

Ok so as a NJ resident I feel the need to defend my home state, because everyone likes to shit on it. If your concept of the Garden State is limited to the industrial wasteland and traffic hell that is just outside of New York, I can understand. That area sucks...and NJ Transit sucks big time no matter where you live,

Everybody meet our next Secretary of Transportation of the US-fucking-A!

He just needs a Snickers.

Well, they painted a red Ferrari with that iridescent purple color and those gigantic “R3 Wheels” letters on the side, so...

Shit happens. It’s only a car.”