
Hello Martin! Big fan.

Very cool. Thank you for your time. Good luck with everything.

What is your most fond memory is racing in general? (INDY or not) and why?

New S-Class. When I drove it I thought to myself "There is no need to buy a Rolls Royce anymore" It's incredible

I think the Silver looks awesome, to be honest.

I think silver looks sick to be honest.

I wonder if the computer thought " Man this is a lot of understeer!.... I must've been programmed for an Audi" :D

GOD..... please tell me good news tonight by saying that the future of motor sports will NOT be like this... Thank you

Bitter-sweet :/ I like the EVO, hell of a good handling car. But the last time I drove one the rear window wouldn't go up. And it was a press car with only 2,200 miles. Poorly made but a monster in the corners.R.I.P Evo

That Yacht is not 24 million dollars. Maybe 4-8

I was comparing myself to that wet blanket ;)

I can run faster than that thing

I love how they go the opposite way in the second half of the video.... like he forgot his wallet or something

Tis but a flesh wound


Still think it's a crying shame to CGI him in. Something just isn't right about it, but that's me.

awwww is someone butthurt because their president sucks?

Thank you lol