It’s true, but it’s also true that she said she stopped wearing makeup because of the unrealistic expectations for appearance that women face, so wearing makeup and pretending you aren’t wearing makeup is just as bad as photoshop and crazy contouring in terms of setting up unreasonable expectations for how women…
I saw this movie when I was like 8 and I was convinced that Leonardo DiCaprio was actually intellectually disabled and was like ‘Wow, that kid is amazing for being able to be in a movie’. It wasn’t until Romeo + Juliet came out that I realized he wasn’t and was a crazy hot young dude and pretty much hit puberty right…
Everyone loves to ham on Leonardo Di Caprio, but DAMN, he was excellent from his earliest roles.
wow, best gif use i’ve seen in a long time
Yes, because if there’s anything the average blue collar working American loves more than Hillary, it’s Socialism and Jews.
Delete your account.
Frosted Green Doctors = tomato troll.
i’m with her...
Wasn’t it? I wonder if it’s still on demand. I’d watch it again.
Seconded on Williams. In that one scene, without even saying it, she made the audience vividly aware of all those things she must have said to Casey’s character in the aftermath of the accident. The audience never heard those things, but we all knew what they were. Impressive bit of acting
Just name the new ones “Drunk RedacTED Talks”
lol You’re my kind of friend. This is exactly the kind of thing I would do. I still yell out “prostitution whoare!”as needed. I also hosted Thanksgiving this year, and afterwards, when complaining about my one brother to my other brother, I yelled, “I MADE IT NICE!!!”
That show needs a Rich to Regular translator. When I hear ‘likes to party,” I assume they “like to party” like I do.
Resign. Resign is the word you were looking for.