
“Why would there be confusion if he spoke English? Joining us in in studio to discuss is Emmitt Smith.”

They were on almost every episode! They were the ones really challenging Cait’s worldview (to very little success, of course). They were honestly the only reason I kept watching.

“Caitlyn just wasn’t relatable,”

Can they continue the show with just the busload of fake trans friends they hired for her? Because I WOULD watch a show that followed Kate Bornstein and Jenny Boylan as they discussed pretty much anything.

It’s important to have trans people on TV but someone like Caitlyn Jenner, who was unlikable before she transitioned and is still unlikable now, was probably the worst representation for an under represented community. She comes off as entitled and smug and no one wants to watch that.

More of these GEORGE ZIMMERMAN PUNCHED IN THE FACE stories, please!

Now for the most glorious time of year, Bachelor in Paradise.

All in favor of making Boar Monday a thing say “Aye.”

I do dig that she wasn’t apologizing for what she said, merely that she said it publicly. That’s a pretty important distinction.

She doesn’t address it in the article, but can you imagine if she has been trying to get pregnant for years but has had miscarriages? Between 20 and 33% of pregnancies end in miscarriage, but no one seems to think about that when they’re badgering other people about if they are pregnant, why they aren’t pregnant, and

geeze, way to be reasonable and objective on a bachelorette thread... who invited logic? psh

As someone who is just *slightly* too old for Pokemon to be a thing....it just seems weird to me.

I have so.many.people.muted.because.of.pyramid.schemes.

Oh the FUCKING pink drink. I have one friend that is non stop with that plexus shit. Noooobody caressss!

The crazy eyes on that woman are out of control.

The character was great in the movie, but when I played the game with my girlfriends we always fought over who would be Miss Scarlet (ditto for the Monopoly dog).

Fortunately for us all, she will live on, gloriously, in the film. They can’t take that away!

Well there goes my will to live. This is the stupidest decision made by a board game company since Candyland stopped putting real candy on the board. I recall that was the case. P.S. Contrary to the popular belief PS means post script, it actually means Potato Salad. In final analysis, Vodka.

I’m embarrassed to say that when I saw the title of the article my first thought was “Why replace her with a man?” Stupid subconscious ingrained prejudices.

Luann is me.