
Not something I’m putting into my google search history.

i’m working my way into all the franchises (usually only watch the bachelor b/c the girls-in-the-house drama is so good) but i’ve been enjoying the chad and also now am curious about bip

Selma Blair’s apology is lovely. I think you have a fourth point for your list.

anna, if you do hear from desiree, please let her know that there are quite a few jezzies who want to help by starting a gofundme page for her legal fees if that’s something she’d be interested in.

ps kara you deserve an award for these bravo articles

Aw, thanks. Good luck to you and your hubs- are you in an area with Aedes aegyptus mosquitoes? If so, well, fingers crossed for you. It’s so scary for folks in the Southeast right now, in particular.

i should follow you around as a mosquito decoy. BITE ME BITCHES!!!!

then regrets the drink. at least i can keep that sort of ish contained...I’m pretty good about not worrying about the past...which...I really don’t understand how or why....but I’m plenty good at worrying about the future!

im in my mid 30s too! is this the whole “biological clock” thing that everyone keeps talking about?

This is where I am right now, and I’m wondering if doing it now is better, since it could get worse before it gets better in the US in general...

I want to express solidarity and my hopes that everything will be okay, but don’t know how to word it. So, in getting meta, hopefully my point gets across.

I hope you and your baby are healthy!!! I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with this horrible stress.

Wow. Commenters in rare form here. This is a life saving development that we shouldn’t be excited about because BIG PHARMA might make a buck and at any rate, zika’s all hype, and hey, let’s be sure to ration it so that the kids of unscientificly minded people can be reap their appropriate karmic rewards.

Man, you’re out of line here. As a pregnant woman who may have been(or could be) exposed, tell me to my (Internet) face that I’m being overly panicky about the possibility of birth defects incompatible with life in my long-awaited baby. Go ahead, say it.

“Noor is completely innocent and [was] unaware of the attacks,”

I was really amazed how they managed to make an almost realistic bird look on at her offspring with an expression of mixed pride, tenderness, and bemusement. Only Pixar.

Bing-Bong weeping... Great, now I’m feeling emotional again. That scene gets me. Every. Single. Time.

The scene where Marlin loses Nemo and highlights just how big the ocean is and just how small he is plus the music is still so gut-wrenching to me and I’m not even a parent.

Man: “Awww, why dont you give me a smile, I’m just trying to be friendly, you can at least be friendly back!”

Yup. Woman are always made to feel like they are overreacting if they find a man creepy. We’re supposed to be understanding of gross behavior and write it off as “social awkwardness.” Fuck that noise. Trust your gut ladies.