
I’ve seen and really don’t get this argument. My last name has been my last name from birth. Just like it was my father’s last name from birth. Is it more “his” last name than mine because he’s a man? Or because he’s older? It’s not “my father’s name”—it’s a whole bunch of “Keyser’s” (men and women) names. Including

Trojans: Now for two types of blow.

To discuss things I mean.

This guy is the worst. The damage he has caused to countless children and their families, and the zero shame he has. Just ugh.

Add making me side with Fox News to the reasons I hate Donald Trump.

Well... at least she isn’t one of those I-don’t-understand-how-life-works commercial people?

it’s not a name that tune, it’s name that autotune .

How about No. 2 and No. 5 yelling at each other to take the ball out. Good thing No. 5 relented, he is the real hero here.

do you work at travelers?

Our entire office is packed into one conference room screaming our god damned heads off. 95% of us went to UConn.

But what about the eyes, do you see blue and black or white and gold?

And the worst part about having to use that excuse is that the guy is only going to stop flirting/hitting on you out of respect to your imagined beau and not out of respect to your wishes to be left the fuck alone...

Obviously this isn't getting through but I'll say it. If a woman rejects you, you don't get to stab her, throw acid in her face, stalk her, terrorize her, or rape her. No is a hard word to understand, apparently.

My favorite quote summing up the insanity of current events is “I’m starting to think that this is the last season of America and the writers are just going nuts.”

I think all that is amazingly helpful, and I can’t tell you how emphatically I agree with your final statement on the matter, LOLsigh.

You know, most kids use their fake IDs to buy beer.

I think I might be one of the only people who wasn’t obsessed with Jubilee....I think what bothered me was that she acted really annoyed and bitter all the time that he would speak with/acknowledge other girls but like....you went on the Bachelor, a show where the entire point is that the bachelor dates multiple