
It was a legitimate point when Bill Clinton was running. And he was elected with landslide votes of confidence.

Expect to be sore as hell.

Counterpoint : this would be an ideal party for a surprise paintball raid.

I love that all the Brits are here to comment and that comment is:

Yes, now would be a great time to make a joke referencing a popular fantasy series that has “forced” its way back into the pop-culture spotlight with the arrival of a new film installment. So, let’s just get this over with:

Times Square sub par restaurant experience on 12/31-$400 and up. Being able to pee in your own potty sans tourists or the necessity of wearing Depends undergarments= priceless.

Seriously. I mean, this is my view of the ball from my office, and I’m still going to go home and watch it on television. Naked and drunk, as you suggest.

Advice from this New Yorker: stay home. Seriously. It’s cold and wet and gross out. For the price of cable and a working television set, you can watch the ball drop from the comfort of your own living room, in your pajamas. You can even watch it naked. You can get as drunk as you want. It’s honestly the best bargain


Miko....That’s....That’s not how birds work at all.

The fact that everyone on the show is so awful is what makes it so much fun to watch. It’s both entertaining as hell and allows the viewer to feel superior to the cast of numbskulls (I’m watching Househunters as I type, another great show for feeling smarter than the people on TV).

See, it reads badly but it’s just so entertaining to watch, you can’t help it. Like, I know I should be doing better things with my time, like reading good books and maybe watching great movies if I feel like sitting around doing nothing but damn it... Sometimes cheap entertainment is so satisfying.

Oh, FFS, just watch the damn thing. Seriously. The people at the clinics all go around talking about their celebrity clients, how they manipulate patient charts, how to beat tests, the whole nine yards. They do this on a camera, the picture and audio is as clear as day.

Everyone plays better when they leave the Bears.

I declared it when I turned 30 this year. Nothing seems to be marketed towards me any more and I am slowly losing my grasp on popular music and slang. It’s depressing.

I loved Mark’s article about his wedding to Alan. It was great and thought provoking. I miss Mark.

this look at james is the look we all have when he’s on screen.

I saw about 50 shades of rage when I found out.

My cat illness rules:

What the hell? That’s a horrible thing to say to anyone, much less your spouse. Glad to hear he’s an ex.