
I like guns a lot, but I am SUPER PRO GUN CONTROL, as in “you must submit to background check including mental health records, complete an extensive class like with driver’s ed, take tests, get a license, keep that license up to date, and the second you’re convicted of any even remotely violent crime, that license is

If i wasn’t act work I would post the video of the Chris Rock bit about bullets being $1,000 each and how that would reduce drive by shootings.

My dad is a pediatrician and he is incredibly good at calming babies. He says it’s all about being relaxed, they can feel if you’re not comfortable holding them. He has so much practice, he's always comfortable. He was holding a friend’s baby, just smushed into a ball in the crook of his elbow, it looked crazy

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This guy is right up there with this other guy:

Mine too, although that's usually because it has been stolen by a cat.

Worst of all? This was the text:

What the actual fuck?! What criteria was used for these layoffs? Page views? I read and love virtually all of Mark’s articles, and it looks like a lot of others here do, too. How is it fair that adorable, hilarious Mark gets the door and darling Jia - one of the rudest, most unprofessional Gawker Media staff members

HOLY SHIT. I didn’t know he was purged as well. Mark Shrayber is gold and I will follow him wherever his new venture leads.

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Presented completely non-ironically, my feelings about this:

Don’t know, but I bet if you’d been hugged more as a child you’d be less awful.

Dayuuim Deadspin. Gotta give it you this is some great muckraking, and journalism. ESPN, Fox Sports, NBC may want to take notes.

I would have thought Colonel Sanders would be a breast man.

Let’s look at all the silver linings here.

“She called you daddy for 18 years, now it’s our turn.”

LOTS of people experience depression after their weddings, even if they went perfectly. It’s the end of a long crazy exciting ramp up to one single day. I don’t know what it’s like to experience what you are going through, but as long as you married the right person, everything else is just trimming.