
My favorite was the interview - “That’s exactly right.” “I know. *stares at camera*”

And you don’t think that would make for some excellent TV? ;-)

I actually think Caila would be a fantastic bachelorette.

#AllHondAnonymae matter

“Four octaves eight shows a week? ....I mean, I guess, but I was really hoping for more of a challenge.”

Can not WAIT to see this movie!

I’m not sifting through 130 comments to see if this has already been mentioned, but... I don’t think the sloth was scared. Thanks to an awesome episode of “Too Cute!” (which, by the way, is the best sick-at-home show in the history of the universe), that sloth was actually... just going potty. They hug trees for

I’m not sure it’s a case of them being stupid — from the beginning, they had the Shaggy Dog ending planned. And don’t get me wrong - I love me a *good* Shaggy Dog ending. The problem is, they got married (ha! see what I did there?) to their initial idea, and didn’t allow for the possibility that the show and the

I stopped watching it early, but to this day one of my favorite lines in the history of TV is, “Please. You’re dating my wife. Call me Rex.”


HIMYM’s ending made me legit angry.

“Big was inaccessible to her and in real life the inaccessible guy you try and hold onto never changes for you. He might change for the next girl, but he never goes from being noncommittal and out of reach to suddenly wanting to get married.” ~The CJBinds Years, 2006-2008. It was a wonderfully freeing moment when The

When I was single, if a friend knew someone I was interested in, I’d ask about them. I remember asking one friend about someone, and he flat out said, “I will NOT let you date him. He’s one of my best friends, but I can NOT let you get into that situation,” and proceeded to tell me some absolutely ridiculous stories

I just wanna see a tiny Wall-E somewhere in the background during “Put on Your Sunday Clothes.”

The Danish Girl had pretty awesome costumes, too.

Agreed. I was so sad it didn’t get a SAG nomination - I wanted the screener!

He was straight up phenomenal in What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, tho.

Call me crazy, but I actually thought Steve Carell was better in The Big Short than Christian Bale.

Brie all day every day. And night.

Pretty sure that’s a photo of Phil Helmuth, since Antonio never does that with his hands, and Phil almost always does.

I love Aquaphor. It’s a healing ointment, much like Vaseline, but in my opinion, it’s MUCH better. I apply it when I’m going to bed at night and let it do its work while I sleep. And it lasts. When I wake up, I can still feel it on, and my lips are much better off when I use it. I also carry a pocket-tube with me