
You beat me to it. :)

But at that point, aren’t you subject to the alternative minimum tax, thereby making your charitable contributions non-elligible for tax deduction?

Agreed. Room is probably the best movie that I never want to see again. I hope Brie wins the Oscar for it; she certainly has my vote for the SAG Awards (although this year I’m referring to them as the SAD Awards).

I have a really hard time with video poker. There’s something that feels like the bad beats come much more frequently than in live play; however, that could be due to live play being slower and so almost by necessity, you’re seeing fewer hands. But I dunno.

I just bet on 6 and 8 in craps. Because I’m a wild degen.

At first, I read this as Bieber’s Adagio for Strings and almost yelled obscenities at work.

...that said, I must go listen to some Barber now. <3

It’s a shame this didn’t happen against Bemidji State.

This. A thousand times this.

I lived in Times Square for many years, and for those rare NYEs that I DID stay in the area, the best part was going up to the roof, listening to everyone doing the cheering and counting down... then taking a sip of champagne and going back into my apartment to use the bathroom JUST BECAUSE

Link please! (LP?)

Please live-tweet your entire evening.

What is this I don’t even.

I know I’m totally missing the point here, but can we just back up for *one* sec...

...the calf she let suckle her chin?

There are many reasons this is my favoritest postest everest on Jezebel, but the biggest one is that I actually feel ten pounds lighter just knowing I AM NOT ALONE IN LOVING ALL OF THESE SHOWS. I even started watching “Below Deck,” because I have become THAT obsessed with Bravo. Bravo!

I ugly happy cried.

[Not admitting I watch the show and/or know their names] That’s what Kyle (the woman sitting next to her) surmised. That it’s actually depression (which can absolutely manifest itself in physical symptoms) and not Lyme Disease. Which would make sense, especially if she’s also going through menopause. [/Not admitting I

Oscar Hammerstein and Lorenz Hart could not be reached for comment.

My favorite moment of that entire set.

Mark, I sincerely hope that you’ll start a (continue this) blog somewhere else and will let us know where to find it via Twitter. You have saved MANY a day for me and countless others.

This. All day. Every day. And night.

I feel like Jenny Boylan could be one, but she’s not as famous as Caitlyn. Her work, though, is phenomenal.