Dr. Wedge

"Son, I tried to tell you." - Famous last words.

It's cool to be "that guy"... after jailbreaking my 4S, guess what I've been doing? Yeah... resisting the temptation to install Winterboard and go crazy installing themes. I have gone through however, and installed some additional apps that improve the functionality. I've got my phone right where I want it - making

I wonder if it's an even simpler reason: marketing. Generally things that are bigger are better. The bigger Hummer H3 is "better" than the Chevy Colorado it's based on. A 55" TV is better than a 50". The V12 is better than a V6... and so on.

The great equalizer between Astronauts and the rest of us schlubs; everyone's junk itches sometime.

Where I can see this being useful; our city transit has a program where you can park at designated lots and they'll shuttle you downtown to work. For me, the thing that's most exciting is the idea of being able to start my car when I leave work (in the winter) from nearly a mile away and have it warming up when the

Really?! With all the shit that happens around the world on a daily basis (human trafficking, extinction of animals, Michael Bay's movies) - the way we count time is what bothers you?

Well now I know why I can't use "Buck Naked".

I'm torn - all three of those are great options.

I couldn't agree with you more. On another note, if your phone supports CM7, try it. I think you'll like it; ADW baked in, better EQ, even something as simple as a screen shot (which on my Droid X is a serious pain to setup otherwise).

Pro tip: Don't chase after the busted down sled. It's not worth losing an arm over.

"How do you avoid something that wide and that fast." They're still saying that about Rosie O'Donnell's firey descent into obscurity.

This guy wins. Just plain WINS.

A friend was home on leave from his tour in Afghanistan a few weeks ago. He showed me a homemade video of them taking fire by the Taliban. After they had taken out one group, they focused their efforts on another, but being in the mountains in the winter, a pretty dense fog rolled in an severely limited their view

I was in a similar situation. However, my contract is up in June and I'm looking at abandoning ship entirely and getting an Android device.

That is this week's Top Web Comedy Video? I'd hate to see the losing video.

As soon as the "Dimensions Films" logo comes up on the trailer, you know you're in for a quality movie.

I'm claustrophobic. That would just make it worse.

@Robotube: in the stock form on the iPad, no. The dock port is only designed to send out content from the iPod App and Keynote presentations. It'd have to be jailbroken and get the appropriate app there to be able to send all content out of the dock port.

@Faslane: Hell, I don't even know who she is.