
Few fighters have ever been harder to hit.

Higgins isn’t the sort of role you get awards for, but good lord was he key to that show and Hillerman just crushes the role. Consistently stole episodes. Rest in peace, and congratulations.

I’d like to extend this laurel, and hearty handshake, to our new... well, you know.

Yadier Molina just showed us the Right Way to hit into a triple play

Devers delights denizens, dutifully delivers dingers, defense and depth...

Actually, Woods was part of a test program being done by a major pharma - it’s Vicodilaxanambipot*, which will be marketed as a means for separating oneself from one’s talent and money.


Weird. When I go with this combination I’m a much better golfer.

Going to LA? If I had that in my system I’d be heading to Saturn

But can you get this very important loan through an app on your phone? That’s the real dream.

the fact that there were 3 dissenting judges says something pretty fucked up about court systems

My city better not fuck this up.

Lazy, just get a Home Court Equity loan from someplace and Bingo! Easy Money.

I’m 49 and can’t skate, but Phil Kessel gives me hope I could be a professional athlete some day.

A hockey player from Wisconsin?

lol that was my first thought too, the dude looks 45

In a bold move he put Ketchup on half and Catsup on the other half, just to anger Blackhawk fans.

kudos on the cups and them brats, but man, that’s a rough 29.

I hate the Penguins as much as the next decent person, but goddammit, Phil Kessel is a national treasure.

This is way better than this guy’s other NSFW video, “Frisbee Son Fuckin’ Jacks It.”