
but does it come with chicken and beer?

I knew either both Sedin twins would have the mumps or neither one would have them.

Vick would have been even more upset but he said that “he didn’t have a dog in the fight.”

plus 1!

A lot of botox in that face - you can do it too!

Brady and the Patriots are so dominate, Tom freely gives away the number of passes he is going to throw in the upcoming game by the number of times he says “...you know....” in his Wednesday press conference. Last week’s presser - “33 “you knows”...the week before - 27 “you knows”. Coincidence - I think not.

Thanks - I thought it was me. In ripping apart an Irishman, he was also making fun of the way he talks as well. Doing two things well simultaneously is an indication of the kind of coaching @ UCONN.

I came here to say that I think the Texas coach is cute. That should stand for something.

Deadpan did not report the whole story. In his next at bat, Jose was drilled in the ass for showing up the Phillie Phanatic.

fucking brilliant!

I would have thought a guy with a first name like Aubrey would know how to drive a car.

Coach Tomlin tried to trip them as they walked down the gang plank.

Goddammit Donald!

You put an ocean in front of the guy - put the pin, 5 feet from the front and into a 12 mph wind - then you aim a microphone on the guy and get surprised he gets pissed and says “fuck” - that is fucking insane thinking.

All I wanted was to make him stop singing the Nationwide theme to us - they have gone overboard here.

This is going to start to get uncomfortable. The HGH was for one of Ashley’s boyfriends.

Russell Wilson said that God wanted them to crash...

Good thing the Seahawks brought Jackson over to be a good influence on Lynch

I bet he fucks like Tarzan.

I didn’t feel comfortable saying “from a non-black dude”.