
A 17 year old making a high school playlist on a site that probably brings in mostly late 20s-30s men. There is an overlap there, right!!??

A 17 year old making a high school playlist on a site that probably brings in mostly late 20s-30s men. There is an overlap there, right!!??

@avclub-782066c88e9c574d6085f3ddfc7032e4:disqus No silly, A's are reserved for Season Premieres and/or Finales. 1 episode within the season that everyone loves may or may not get an A. If Todd is reviewing, more things will get A's.

@avclub-782066c88e9c574d6085f3ddfc7032e4:disqus No silly, A's are reserved for Season Premieres and/or Finales. 1 episode within the season that everyone loves may or may not get an A. If Todd is reviewing, more things will get A's.

Agree, and it has many allusions and references to Vertigo so it makes a nice companion to that movie.

Nikki Benz?

Nikki Benz?

That's the trailer.

That's the trailer.

I've seen it, the theatrical version, and I'm still not sure what this third-act bombshell spoiler is. Anyone want to enlighten us???

Hopefully they will be a condescending, and if we're lucky, patronizing, liberal too!

Hopefully they will be a condescending, and if we're lucky, patronizing, liberal too!

Yes i don't mind the fact that Tarantino liberally takes elements from older sources, but I do dislike things like this where he makes it seem like it IS his idea rather than a clear reference.

Yes i don't mind the fact that Tarantino liberally takes elements from older sources, but I do dislike things like this where he makes it seem like it IS his idea rather than a clear reference.

Yeah because apparently Gordon has only put one jacket on one kids shoulders in the 30 years since he did that with Bruce.

Yeah because apparently Gordon has only put one jacket on one kids shoulders in the 30 years since he did that with Bruce.

Yeah because apparently Gordon has only put one jacket on one kids shoulders in the 30 years since he did that with Bruce.

That holds up @avclub-edb4298fb247e84edd2dd6fe38c9ab78:disqus , until the end when Gordon tries to stop Batman asking him who he is and asking if he wants the people to know who saved them, that statement seems to contradict your theory on Gordon.

That holds up @avclub-edb4298fb247e84edd2dd6fe38c9ab78:disqus , until the end when Gordon tries to stop Batman asking him who he is and asking if he wants the people to know who saved them, that statement seems to contradict your theory on Gordon.

That's funny @avclub-2dd78e6d27abfc8092491a5b76d415fa:disqus  because I really wished Nolan did do that.