
That's funny @avclub-2dd78e6d27abfc8092491a5b76d415fa:disqus  because I really wished Nolan did do that.



Yeah, but, like, shut up!

Yeah, but, like, shut up!

Eh, watched Lady Vanishes and it's compelling off the top but becomes pretty absurd pretty quickly. Also has easily the most tension-free shootout I've seen in any movie ever.

Eh, watched Lady Vanishes and it's compelling off the top but becomes pretty absurd pretty quickly. Also has easily the most tension-free shootout I've seen in any movie ever.



I always thought The Prestige was his worst movie. Which is saying something, considering it's really good! (I'm not including Following for some reason).



I went looking at Rex Reed's review of this and wish I hadn't. Wow, what a condescending douche. I can just imagine him typing that out, smiling smugly to himself at the genius of his own words.

I saw Alps at TIFF last year and it was the worst movie I saw at the festival by a large margin. I wished I left early because there was nothing of value to gain from staying for the third act. I think Alison nails it in the review, Dogtooth had its own logic, Alps is just a bunch of quirk and some interesting ideas

I saw Alps at TIFF last year and it was the worst movie I saw at the festival by a large margin. I wished I left early because there was nothing of value to gain from staying for the third act. I think Alison nails it in the review, Dogtooth had its own logic, Alps is just a bunch of quirk and some interesting ideas

Not this again!

Not this again!

I'm going to jump in with something that also bothers me about the stance from the reviews, articles, and comments.

I'm going to jump in with something that also bothers me about the stance from the reviews, articles, and comments.

Machinarium is awesome~