
Gotta desperately imitate O'Neal somehow!

Yeah but individual season endings were all like "and then nothing happened, justice was not served and everything carried on like usual because that's just how it is" and you're like, "k".

The first half was when it was the most engrossing, interesting so you missed out, if you ask me… which you didn't… so… carry on.

I'm one of those millennials you speak of. The writing here is garbage now — across the board. The only good film feature left is Palme Thursday.

A competent game engine.

Hey, the title card animations were cool!

cultural…. rent?

No, it was 2015. I think it probably didn't make the cut because the filmmaking was subpar but then again the story was really interesting so its surprising the Academy didn't jump at the headline grabbing doc.

Well from the Sony hacks there were reports that he acted like a lunatic on American Hustle so sounds like his claims were just PR.

If you've got the money and hard drive space, why not

Doesn't Malick usually have extremely long post-productions? I don't think this was 'sitting on the shelf'. It was picked up after Berlin earlier this year for release next year. Apparently it's not that good but seem to be coincidence.

especially when this trailer is months old, I think the new distributor just reuploaded it to their channel.

The hyperbole is strong with this one.


Eh, if we're lucky they'll retcon him into being a slimy used-car salesman. Maybe he can turn out to be Walt Disney?

I know nothing about him personally, and these comments aren't making me inclined to research further. May I continue to enjoy music in ignorance?

You Americans are just the best!

NOTE: Please be more explicit when explaining sexual innuendos. Audience missing key points.

I suppose but it doesn't seem to happen for any reason other than to satisfy the main movie. If this were on its own and we never knew the person on the other end, would it feel like it has a point? I don't think so.

Most naturalistic use of dildos definitely should go to Man of Steel for its many giant dick spaceships.