
Yeah, it's pretty unbelievable. He claims that everytime he sees Mel, the guy goes into wild insane fits. Yet, he then chooses to STAY with him and BRING HIS WIFE. Even then, after more fits, he lets his son hang out with the man alone. He defends himself with a golf club in bed (???) in case, what, Mel murders him?

Hey fellow Torontonian, lets meet up for some Ghibli at the Lightbox.


Yeah. I remember seeing Cabin Fever on TV, not knowing anything about it, and then that kid…. I had no idea what I was watching… but I was intrigued.

Given the entire article. Seemed like Rabin was going to start with something interesting to say, maybe he had an inspired idea for the article? Then actually played the game, and was exhausted, and ended up writing nothing, really. This game has been covered so extensively and Rabin doesn't turn over any new rocks

Who knows, at this point, I'm just wheel spinning.

And thus…. the circle of life….

Really? I jumped out of the whole Gawker network because the writing is such shit. Gawker itself is the worst, all sensationalist, unbalanced knee-jerk reactions to current things. At least AV Club has an indifferent, snarky distance to its news, not treating everything like the breakthrough story of the year. And

Yeah, I don't think she was being racist, she wasn't. But I think she worried that it might be perceived that she was by Dawn, and naturally, many audience members perceived it that way. And maybe Dawn perceived it that way, we're not really sure if she did or didn't. It's a new social problem that arises when trying

Don't see the correlation other than it is an American remake of a European horror film with a cult following.

Thinking about grabbing her after.

Shuuut uppp… your ideas aren't copyright protected. Some Hollywood producers is reading this right now…

Yeah, I was truly baffled when I found out that third-rate nearly-straight-to-DVD Elisha Cuthburt torture porn movie was a Joffe film. Like… dubbs tee eff amirte?

Your literal version of the above metaphor is irrelevant. And my dad did that with my brother. And now he refuses to get a job or move out. So NO, it doesn't work all the time.

That's the thing, it's not today. I can see why you'd think it's lame, to me though it was a pretty clever way to show the extremely sensitive line of acceptability. Whereas earlier seasons people might have done things like that and not thought twice about the racial implications, black people are being recognized as

@avclub-ea93d61158b479315c8e0d4cd003ec35:disqus She showed up very briefly when Sally and the nanny (grandma) were sleeping on the couch with the knife casually sitting there.

Same bro.

This project must have been a massive pain in the ass in particular scenes like when Grace Kelly is sneaking around the guys apartment and the camera keeps panning. Oh well, it clearly was well worth the effort. Cool video.

Nah. It won;t

Hahah yeah. I saw Halloween as a kid at my friends house whose parents didn't give a fuck. My parents were hardcore about obeying ratings. Halloween showed me things that I thought only existed on my first grade art projects…….